Village 1: Ylellisyys: Female

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Name: Cortina Vesuvius

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Village: Ylellisyys

Weapon of Choice: Bow & Arrow

Appearance: Cortina has dark, black hair that falls all the way down to her middle back. It is naturally straight. Her skin is decently tanned, but still pretty light-skinned. Most people say that Cortina's eyes are her best feature. They're a golden, honey color outlined with a black rim. 

Personality: Cortina is a little care-free. She tends to focus on the positive side of things, but knows there is evil in everyone. Some people contain that evil, some people don't. There are moments when she feels a little more evil than nice. She's a little shy when it comes to making friends, but loves meeting new people. Her grades are pretty good even though she hardly even tries.

Background: Cortina has had an easy life for the most part. When she was 5 years old her mother had a miscarriage. It was pretty hard on her family, but they've moved passed it with time. She trains 3 days a week at the Training Center.

Token: A golden ring with a diamond on top. It's encrusted with rubies.

Reaped/Volunteered: Volunteered

Reason/Reaction: She just wants to fit in with the crowd, and people from Ylellisyys usually volunteer for The Games

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