Village 3: Tekniikka: Female

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Name: Rosalie Potter

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Village: Tekniikka

Weapon of Choice: Whatever is most logical for her to use at that point.

Appearance: She has long curly blonde hair and the bluest eyes you've ever seen. She is really short for her age though, like 4'10" maybe. She has a big problem with acne and has freckles that she thinks are ugly, but everyone else calls adorable.

Personality: Like most kids from Tekniikka she is logical and analytical. She also has a more unique/ creative side. She loves to write songs and sing them.

Background: She was raised by her father because the second her mom gave birth to her, she was out of there. Her dad was very overprotective of her because she was all he had. She always head pretty much anything she could want though. She even got a stepmom named Macy.

Token: She brings a little notebook with a pencil attached to it to write her songs to help keep her from getting too stressed out in the arena.

Reaped/Volunteered: She was Reaped.

Reason/Reaction: Her mind started racing through all the statistical probabilities. The likelihood of coming home, the likelihood of dying, all of that was going through her head. As a result, she looked pretty calm to anyone who would be watching.  

Writer Games: SummitWhere stories live. Discover now