Chapter 18

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I wake up naked. I forgot to put my clothes back on.

"What the fuck, jake?? You didn't dress me while I was asleep?" I bitch at his sleeping body. Back to his old antics. I feel sick. I run to the bathroom to projectile vomit. I throw up in the bathtub. Fuck. We have no running water. What am I going to do?

I can try what I did last night. I raise my hands in the air and the vomit follow. I use my left hand to open the window and my right to throw it out. Wow. I'm getting really good at this. How did I do that?

"Rose. Are you okay?" Jake says looking at me. I'm still naked.

"Yes!! I just need to shower in this raggedy ass mother fucking house but I can't!" I scream.

"Rose. Just calm down. I love you. Please don't be mad at me." Jake says softly grabbing a robe and setting on my shoulders. I put it on.

"I'm going to the store." I say. I pull on my slippers and hop into my Ferrari. I did this in a matter of 3 seconds. Damn. I'm fast. I must be in track. I look in the rear view mirror. Damn. I still have that dish soap in my hair. My curls are coming out from last night and are going everywhere. My makeup is smeared everywhere. I look dead. But, I look good. My acnes coming out. I kind of like the bruises under my eyes.

I drive to the super center and sprint straight to the water bottles. I grab 12 cases of water bottles. Damn. I'm strong. I sprint to my car. No one even noticed.

"Haha" I say.

I speed back to the house. Jake is gone?!?! What the fuck I just got him water.

"I'm going to take my shower alone." I say. I walk up to the bathtub and take a case up with me. I have the dish soap in hand and I'm lathering it all over. Then, I open all of the water bottles and pour them all over me. Damn. I'm clean now. I used a full case. Jake walks into the bathroom looking pissed.

"I'm pissed." He sneers at me.

"Why, lol?" I say.

"I was just howled at from the pack. They are PISSED at me." He exclaims.

"Oops. Sorry." I roll my eyes. I feel sick.

"You literally shrewd them out. They aren't just dogs, you know. They're humans too."

"Then, why aren't they talking to me?? They don't want to get to know me?????!!!!" I scream.

Two weeks later

I got to know the pack. They're really cool. I'm currently reading a book about vampires and witches. It's weird that I found a book on both.

"Hey babe. What chapter are you on?" Jake questions me.

"Chapter 18." I gasp!! What?

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