Putting Things Together

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"FUUUUCK" I squeal. I woke up naked again. Whoops I guess I forgot to put my close on after my "camping trip".
I get up super quick using my speed powers.

Jakes gone... fuck... oh hey a note
"Dear baby girl,
I've gone to meet with the alphas.
-by bitch"
God he's so sweet.

I should go to the store again. More water for my shower. I still have a bit of blood on me.
In two seconds flat I have my robe on. I'm ready to go.
I jump into my baby, aka, my Ferrari.
Vroom vroom. I make it two the store. In three minutes. I probably could have run here and it would be faster. Wow I'm like really cool.
I enter the store. I humm loudly through the store grabbing the necessities.
Now for the water.....
Wait what?
Is that?
Duck it can't be.
It's my dad.

I sprint around him in circle. He can't see me. Should I hit him? Should I push him? I see his cart. I break the wheel. That'll show him for breaking me for years.


What? Where am I? I see the nearly blood red hair and the pale moon hair. Fuck.

"You're in another dimension." Galinda and Renesme said.

"Fuck. What now?"

"He's not your real dad." Galinda says.

"You parents aren't your real parents. We erased your memories. You real parents gave you a potion to make you forget about them. The werewolves are after you. You're the chosen one. When you moved from Boise, you were moving away from your real parents. We placed you with these terrible parents to keep you safe." Renesme said.

"Why would you do that? Where are my real parents? What did you do with them??" I yell.

"They're gone." Galinda and Renesme say. They wink. Booommmmm. Que Twilight zone music.

Out of Teleportation

Oh my gosh. Where are my real parents??? I sprint home leaving my car.

I come home and Jake's back.

"Hey babe!" He says running up to me to, kissing me.

"Hey...." I say sadly.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"I'm just.......................... Putting things together." I gasp! What?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!

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