New Job Description

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Chapter 3

The sound of thundering steps getting closer distract me from the crying girl above me. Not a minute later the room door is slammed open and my senses are overwhelmed with the stench of human intoxication.

The man clumsily staggers into the room. His drunken eyes glaring at the girl above me, trying to hide in her thin blankets.

"Get up you worthless child! First your mother and now you! You're both just huge disappointment!" The drunken man bellowed.

Julian let out a small cry and slowly got out of her bed. She stood hunched over, shoulders shacking, her head cast down to the ground.

"Look at me girl." He growled at her.

She lifted her head and I could see the continuous stream of tears falling down her cheeks. No sooner than her eyes met his did he waste not one second before the back of his hand sweep across her right cheek.

I could stand no more. Children were supposed to fear us monsters! Not this disgusting excuse of a human!

I slithered out from under her bed and quickly got in between the two of them, pushing her gently behind me with my tail.

I stood to my full 12 foot towering height and glared down at the paling man in front of me.

"If I were you I wouldn't go around scarring the child any longer, or you'll have me scarring you for all of eternity."

He shook to the bones and got paler by the second. I reached out with a taloned finger and cut his cheek. He winced as my razor sharp claw cut through his skin and I watched as a few drops of blood fell from the cut down the side of his face.

"Leave." I hissed.

The man immediately turned and ran out the door slamming it shut behind him. Not a minute later I heard the front door open and slam shut too.

I turn around to face the child behind me and I find her clinging to me for dear life. I slowly bend down to her level and cautiously look her over.

Her eye and cheek are swollen and painful looking. But her eyes have stopped of the tears.

"You help me?" She asked in a smile shy voice.

"Because children aren't meant to fear other people, children are meant to fear me and my monsters. We run through the night to scare you kids so the brightness of day shines that much brighter. The kindness of your parents is felt that much more, and the love of those around you spreads so vastly into your heart that we monsters have to move on to find a new child to scare because we have done our part in helping our child grow as a person." I explain as gently as possible to her.   

"But aren't monsters the bad guys?" She asks tilting her head in a curious way.

"Yes we are. But without the bad there wouldn't be any good." I point out to her.   

She nods her head in understanding.

"Good off to bed now child."

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