A Nightmares Final Goodbye

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Chapter 7

Julian turns eighteen today. This is the last night I can visit her. I must make it count.

As darkness falls I am quick to ascend from the darkness and under her bed. I slip out from beneath it quietly and I look at my friend. My only friend.

Whom I am about to loose for eternity.

I reach out to touch her face softly.

"I'm not afraid of you monster." She grumbles softly.

I stop. Frozen with shock. She remembers?

"Julian?" I question her in a soft hiss.

She stirs in her sleep. Her eyes widen as she sees me standing near her.

"No, you aren't real. I made you up when I was a young girl! You're just some dream I had!" She says frightened.

I slowly drop my hand back to my side. "No, Julian. It was real. All of it. I was always there. Always will be. I have been watching over you all these years and I intend to do so even after tonight." I explain softly.

"What happens tonight?"

"You turn eighteen, I won't be able to visit you anymore. If I try to it will only hurt us both." I explain.

She looks at me puzzled. "Why would it hurt me?"

"Because my dear child, monsters create a connection to their children. After they turn eighteen that connection is cut, and if the monster still tires to come to the child they will only hurt both because the connection that was once there is trying to reconnect but only gets cut off by a sort of disconnection on the road if you will. To try and force it would be like trying to fit a square into a circle." I try to explain as best as possible. "After tonight, I can never see you again." I said in a gruff worn out voice.

Her eyes filled with tears. "This isn't fair. I need you! You've helped me through so much and you'll just be kept away from me like it is nothing! You're my best friend, I love you!" She cried in a heart wrenching agony that pulled at my old heart strings.

"Don't cry child. I will see you in some other life. Then we can be together for a long time." I try to sooth her.

She doesn't say anything. Just clings to me and holds on tight like she doesn't want to let go.

I gently grab her and lay her on her bed. I then curl my body around her like I used to when she was afraid that her father would come back. I lay my head beside where hers is resting and I continue to sooth her.

"Go to sleep child. This will all be over soon. I'll awake you before the sun hits the sky."

She reluctantly falls into a slumber and I study the face of the still fragile girl laying next to me.

I feel nothing romantic for the girl. Only a love so deep that it can only be a friends.

I stay by her side all night dreading the outcome of the morning sun.

When I get the first hint of the morning rays I gently shake her awake. She stirs and looks at me with a deep dreadful sadness.

"Do not worry child. After this you will revert back to seeing me as a dream you once had. It is what happens when the bond breaks."

"I'll miss you nightmare."

"And I you child."

She rested her forehead against mine and closed her eyes. Wanting to soak up every last second of us being together.

The night had exhausted me by keeping myself in her presence. But it worth it for her.

I close my eyes and I start to count down.




"I love you nightmare."



"I love you as well Julian."



I close my eyes and feel her lips softly kiss my scarred cheek.

But when I open them I am back in the dark realm. Where I belong.

And she is till up on earth. Where she will live a long happy life. Full of joy and free of nightmares like me.

"Good bye my dear friend. I'll see you before you enter the gates of paradise."

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