-01 | epigraph

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words tumble from cracked lips like a landslide, mountains of hurt pouring out. tear-stained cheeks

meet pillows with the traces of you on them. broken hearts cry for help but beneath layers of sadness,

either nobody cares or nobody can hear. desolate smiles not quite reaching dimming eyes. the sound

of a voice nobody's heard in weeks, breaking with the crushing weight of desperation. crying into an

unanswered phone, begging forgiveness for an uncommitted crime on their behalf. melting down into

a puddle of nothing but elusive laughter and muddled thoughts on the cold, linoleum floor. this was

not how it was supposed to end. not this painfully, or this fucking soon. but, regardless, ending. the

sound of crackling fire in the distance, a flickering bright glow of flames somewhere. the happiness

melting away with the stainless steel of an abandoned swing set, with the scent of fresh gasoline

lingering on your hands.

—poem by thatonephanwriter

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