Prussia, 12/7/16

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Why is everyone so... NOT AWESOME?! After the world meeting today, (which the other countries rudely didn't let me attend)

(Well, I did anyway, and no one said anything. That worries me.)

Anyway, after the world meeting thing, I suggested we meet at my awesome house for dinner! I mean, it's not my house, but you know that already, you leather bound tree corpse. So, West was kinda giving me a death glare, but whatever, it doesn't matter.

A lot of the countries agreed to come over, so West cornered me and said I had to make the food for dinner. Make. As in, I can't order anything. I hope I don't kill anyone.

The Brit asked me if I wanted help. Yeah, if the both of us were in the kitchen, it'd explode. I'll see if I survive, and I'll write again later. I need to find the recipe for pasta..


Yeah, dinner was fun. I made bratwurst, pasta (for Italia and his bruder), and kuchen for dessert. I actually know how to make those, and I didn't kill anyone! It was very educational. The Russian didn't like the razorblades I put in his serving of pasta. I wonder why...?

Dinner conversation was awesome (because of me obviously) and it went a little something like this...

Awesome me- *bringing trays of food out* EAT AND ENJOY! I PUT WORK INTO ZHIS SO YOU BETTER!

Francis- Work? You? Amie, if zere's two people who can't cook in zis room, it's you and Angleterre..


America- *stuffing face full of wursts* DUDE HOW IS THIS SO GOODDDDDD

France- You were raised with poor taste in food. Simple things like sausage delight you..

Awesome me- BRATWURST IS THE BEST FOOD! After beer. And beer's a drink. But it's zhe best.

West- *sighs*

So after a bit, everyone started eating, and making boring small talk.

 I fixed that.

Awesome me- So, how do you all like mein juicy bratwurst?

West, the Brit, Francis, Switzerland, Lithuania, and South Italia spit their bratwurst out. It was a waste of my awesome talents, but it was worth it.

Amerika, Birdie, Italia, Antonio and the Russian just finished theirs. I don't think they heard me, or in the case of my- I mean Amerika, Italia, and Antonio, were probably too oblivious.

Switzerland covered his sister's ears and swore at me for a full five minutes. New record.

West gave me a look that said, 'I'm going to damn well kill you'

Italia just said "The pasta's wonderful"

Lovi tried to stab West for some reason.. I don't understand..

Also, I managed to steal Lovi, Antonio, and Amerika's diaries. They shouldn't have left them alone in the room with me. I mean, I had to dig through their stuff for a while, but whatever.

(Roma's backpack held his diary, and I sorta broke it... Oops.)

I wonder if I should blog this...

Nah. If Lovino or Antinio didn't kill me, Iggy would. For reading his 'Favourite little colony's' diary. I wonder if Birdie knows that he's not the favorite.. I shouldn't tell him. It'd break his heart..

(Also, Hungary hit me with a frying pan at the bratwurst comment. I'm healing quite nicely, but I'm gonna have a bruise..)

Auf wiedersehen, Preußen

Ps, don't try to steal Roma's tomatoes ever again. IF HE'S WILLING TO FIGHT FOR THEM HE CAN HAVE THEM.

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