America, 12/10/16

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We're at a  beach today. In Florida, obviously. I didn't want to freeze my ass off, so I dragged everyone to Florida for the meeting.

What I didn't really mention in front of Germany was that we would be meeting on a beach.

So everyone arrived one by one, and they brought their swimsuits like I'd told them to. Then Germany arrived, and man did he look PO'ed.

"VHATS ZHE MEANING OF ZHIS" he yelled when he saw everyone on the beach HAVING FUN.

I was like, "Dude, we've been having meetings every day for 4 months, everyone needed some fun"

Surprisingly, the beach wasn't the reason he was mad.

"Vhy didn't you tell me? I would've brought a swimsuit."

I'm pretty sure I literally gasped. I shoulda recoded that, I'm pretty sure I'll never hear those words ever again. So anyway, he went and bought some swim trunks from the beach shack, and chased after Italy, who was 'running into' pretty girls left and right. Smooth.

So, Prussia was kinda chilling next to me while I was building a sandcastle, and he was eating a hotdog.

I think I was being stiff, cos he was like "You look like someone's threatened to kill your family. Lighten up!" So obviously I became more nervous. He finished his hotdog, and scooted closer to me. "That moat's going to collapse the base of zhe castle, America." he said, and started helping me build a, as he put it, 'Awesomer castle'

Three minutes later, he was building a tower, and I was just kinda sitting there. I saw France and Mattie at the waterfront, which was about fifteen feet from where Prussia and I were sitting, and France was giving me a weird look. Matt yelled at me to come over, and when I did, France just gave me a weird smile, and the conversation that followed... Well, it was interesting.

France: Did you ask out Prussia yet?

Me: WhatWhyWouldIAskPrussiaOutDon'tBeWeird

Matt: You know why.

France: We see the way you look at Gilbert, mon ami..

Me: Um. I don't look at him.

Matt: Surrrre you don't. And you also don't write about him in your diary then?

Me: It's not a diary.

France: Stop with the lies, and be a man.

Me: Wait, Matt, you found my journal?

Matt: Yep. I didn't know you liked veggie burgers!

France: Wait, you like veggie burgers?


Matt: I found some veeeeery interesting information in there. So if you want me to keep it to myself, you'll ask him out.

France: (He looked impressed cos of Matt) Petit, you're not usually zis ruthless.

Matt: *shrugs*

Me: Fine. I'll do it by the end of the day. But I thought you were going out with him...

Matt: WHY DOES EVERYONE KEEP ON SAYING THAT *runs off yelling 'I'm the emperor of the banana boat*

France: Ah. He's high.

You know, we're still on the beach, and I still haven't asked him out.

See ya later my trusty journal!


OMG Why did I write omg, I sound like a teenage girl. That's obsessed with One Direction. I'm hungry, I want a burger. With lots of bacon, just to spite Matt. Looooooots of bacon.

Well anyway, I asked him out. Prussia finished the sandcastle (which looked crazy awesome) and said something along the lines of "I know, it's awesome, but no need to grovel" then he went off swimming.

I kinda just sat there, wondering how to ask him out, and then.. WellStuffHappenedAndIt'sAllGoodNowAndYeahINeedToWashTheBloodOffMyFace

That made it sound like I killed someone. Whatever.

Later, Your Hero

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