Chapter 3: College and Break-Up

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Charlie studies hard and got accepted to her first choice - Harvard. She still maintains contact with Chuck, Serena and Dan..., occasionally from Blair. Charlie takes up law and plans to join NAVY Seal after graduating.

She couldn't believe Carter is standing in front of her. He looks good, but Charlie immediately slaps herself. Of course he's here because Serena's back.

"If you're looking for Serena, she's not here with me. She's with Blair", says Charlie.

"I know", he says. Charlie chuckles, of course he does. "I want to see you", he says again.

"Go away, Carter", Charlie starts walking, but Carter catches up and pulls her in his arms.

"Can you please listen for once?!", he gives her a pleading look.

"Whatever comes out of your mouth are all lies! Why should I believe you?", she says.

"How many times should I say it? I love you!!", he says, but suddenly, he's roughly being pried off of Charlie.

"Did he hurt you?", it's Danny with his partner Jackie. Charlie shakes her head while rubbing her forearm. Carter didn't really hurt her..., physically. Danny grabs Carter by the collar. "If I see you anywhere near her, you're dead", he says.

Charlie lies down that night, buried in her thoughts. She doesn't understand why Carter keeps coming back. Did he really love her? If so, why did he go see Serena first.

Chuck calls her. "Did he hurt you?", he must've heard.

"No, Danny happened to be there, so he tossed him off of me", says Charlie.

"C, I know you still have feelings for him. For the love of God, stay away from him. I don't want you to get hurt", says Chuck.

"Awww, you do have a heart", Charlie teases him.

"Because you're my friend. I care for you and I don't want you to get hurt", he says.

"Chuck, will you still be my friend even if I did screw him?", Charlie snickers and she could hear Chuck growling at her.

"Charlotte, I'm serious", he says. Her full name is rarely mentioned and only specific people can call her Charlotte.

Over the next few weeks, Charlie evades Carter. Some are successful and some aren't. Like today as she walks at the park.

"Charlotte please", he begs her.

"You got Serena!! You were with her!! Why come after me when you have her?! You screw her and Blair!!", she says and Carter didn't expect you to know that. "Yeah, I was there when you seduced Blair at the bar. I told Chuck you would be with her the next morning and guess what? I was right", she says.

"You know it's just a one time thing only", he says.

"And how am I supposed to reassure myself that I'm not a one time thing?", she asks.

"Because you won't be", he says, closing in and kissing her. Charlie melts into his arms as Carter deepens the kiss.

Charlie keeps things between Carter and her a secret. She knows it's wrong not to tell, especially her dad, but Charlie thought she could do it on her own, decide on what's best for her. Apparently, it back fires.

Charlie couldn't get out of bed. Her mother got worried, but Charlie assures her that she's alright. Could it be? Odd, she just got her period, but it's not uncommon for women to get pregnant after that.

Charlie sits in the bathroom, anxiety strikes in. Two lines. Carter is not answering. What a surprised. The door swings open and Chuck sees the stick.

"Why, Charlotte?", he sighs.

"Because I'm stupid to believe in him", she sobs. Chuck sits next to her and pulls her into his arms, letting her cry her heart out.

Sooner or later, everyone has got to know. Charles is a little disappointed, but he looks this way - Charlie only follows her heart, just as he did when he married Caroline once. 

"You'll be staying with your grandfather as for now, until he leaves. I don't want him to look for you or you go looking for him", says Charles.

"I'm sure she'll be fine staying with me", says Caroline.

"Yeah? Look at our daughter, Caroline. She got her heart broken by some rogue and I'm gonna hunt him down", says Charles.

"With all due respect sir, allow me to go after him. I think I know where he is", says Chuck.

"I wanna go", says Charlie.

"Think of your child", says Chuck.

"I want him to know and I want to see how he reacts to this", says Charlie.

"Sweetheart, don't do it", says Charles, scratching his head.

"Let me do this, dad. After that, I'm done", she says.

They found him at Serena's apartment, looking very much in love. "Well, well, well, you stooped yourself a little low, Baizen", says Chuck.

"And why I'm not surprised you're with her?", he didn't even bother to say her name.

"I'm pregnant", says Charlie. Carter chuckles and Serena looks shock.

"Are you sure it's not Bass's? I mean you guys are pretty close", says Carter.

"Is this how you're gonna play it?", says Charlie.

"You're coming here telling me you're pregnant for what?", says Carter. Charlie didn't want to cry in front of him.

"Serena, what do you have to say for yourself?", asks Chuck.

"I certainly don't have anything to say to you or Charlie for that matter. Are you sure it's not yours?", says Serena.

"I thought you were my friend, Serena. Apparently, I'm wrong", says Charlie before storming off. Chuck approaches Carter.

"One day, you'll regret this, Baizen. Don't go blaming me when that child calls me father, not you", says Chuck. He glares at Serena before leaving.


Henry knocks on the door. Charlie has been locking herself in there for a few days now. He's worried for his granddaughter and the child she's carrying.

Charles and Frank arrive with the food. Charles softly knocks on the door. "Honey, I know what it feels like. I've been through it when your mother left me, but you know what I do? I got up and moved on because I have responsibilities - you, to this family and to the badge. So do you. Don't let one man destroy you. He didn't make you who you are today. You did that. I just want you to know we're all here to support you now, ok?", he says.

The men are eating dinner when Charlie comes down, looking slightly pale and skinnier than she used to be. Henry quickly get up and pulls her gently towards the table.

"I made your favourite. There's even mashed potatoes", he says.

"Thanks, grandpa", she says. Henry kisses the crown of her head before sitting back down.

"So, what happens now?", asks Frank and Charles looks at his daughter.

"I'm gonna finish school. I still want to join NAVY Seal", she says.

"And the baby?", asks Henry.

"I never thought I'd get to here. I don't know", says Charlie.

"You're not giving that child up. Carter has abandoned and I won't let you do the same", says Charles.

"He can stay with us. Keep the house lively", says Frank.

"You won't get sleep if the child stays here", says Charles.

"Well, he won't be staying with you in the middle of the city. At least, dad's here and the hospital is nearby if there's any emergency", says Frank.

Charlie looks at her stomach and caresses it. She will never give up on this baby. She'll take care of it no matter what.

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