Chapter 7: First Meeting Between Old Foes

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The final day of school has ended and summer has officially begins. Charles Flynn and Henry Bass sit outside the school gate, waiting for Chuck. "Do you think mum and dad will love me even if they have a new baby?", asks Henry as his mother, Blair is pregnant.

"Of course they will. You're their son", says Charles Flynn.

"I know dad said no, but I wonder where is your dad?", asks Henry. Charles Flynn just shrug. No one talks about him and seeing that way, he wouldn't want to talk about him either.

"I wish I knew. Grandpa also said not to ask mum. It makes her sad", says Charles Flynn.

"I know she likes to smile, but I just want Aunt Charlotte to be happy", says Henry.

"Me too, buddy, me too", says Charles Flynn.

As they wait, a limo arrives, but it wasn't Chuck. A man, in formal suit and coat steps out. He runs his fingers through his slicked hair and peers through the school gate.

"Excuse me, is the school over? I'm looking for my son", says the man. To Charles Flynn, he looks scarcely familiar. All too familiar.

"Yeah, school's finished about 10 minutes ago", says Henry.

"What's his name?", asks Charles Flynn.

"I never know him, but his last name should be Reagan", says the man.

Charles Flynn and Henry look at each other, suddenly realized something. "Never heard of him", says Henry.

Then, they heard clapping and turn to see Chuck. "Well, well, well, look what the cat drags in", he says, "Charles, Henry, in the limo and wait for me there". Charles Flynn and Henry nod and go inside the limo as per order.

"Bass, didn't know you have children already", says Carter, giving Chuck his infamous smirk.

"Well, I'm always proud of my boys", says Chuck. When Charles Flynn was born, Charlotte made Chuck his godfather and Charles Flynn has been looking up to Chuck as his father figure ever since.

"I know my son is in that limo. I'm not stupid", says Carter. Charles Flynn looks so much like Carter that it's hard to miss.

"You were stupid to leave Charlotte alone when she was pregnant with Charles Flynn, but of course, she had her family, me and Nate and the Humphreys", says Chuck, "I don't care what your intentions are for coming back, but you will not come anywhere near Charles Flynn unless I deem it fit".

"I'm his father!", says Carter. Chuck chuckles at Carter's remark.

"By blood you are, but by bond you're not. Good day, Mr. Baizen", says Chuck and he leaves him there.

"Bass, I'm not done with you!", says Carter.

Chuck chuckles. "I am", he says before going inside his limo.

As they head back home, Charles Flynn asks, "Is that him?".

Chuck nods. "There are reasons why we keep him a secret. He's not a good man. What he said and did to your mother is unforgivable", he says.

"If what he did was unforgivable, why is he here?", asks Charles Flynn, confused. Chuck shrugs.

"Let us hope he won't screw us up like the multiple times he did in the past", says Chuck.

Charles Flynn waits until his mother comes home to mention what has happened. Charles nearly choke on his food hearing Carter has returned.

"He got balls", says Charles.

"Did he say anything to you?", asks Charlie.

"Uncle Chuck came and told us to wait in the limo", says Charles.

"If you see him, walk the other way round", says his grandfather.

"I heard Uncle Chuck said that he left you when you were pregnant with me", says Charles Flynn.

Charlie pulls her son in her arms. "I'm here. We're all here and we all love you. He's the idiot who left. Don't you worry about him. Focus on your summer, ok?", she says.

She tucks Charles Flynn to bed and makes sure her father is asleep too before grabbing to phone and calling the number she hasn't call in more than 10 years.

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