Chapter 4: Charles Flynn

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(The time will jump a couple years at a time)

Chuck arrives and sees Charlie gripping the edge of the bed until her knuckles turn white. He sets the gifts aside and immediately get a hold of her, letting Caroline take a break.

"Where were you? I've been trying to call you", Charlie is grasping for air.

"Traffic, I'm here now", he says.

"Did I miss anything?", Nate comes in running with Blair right behind him.

"Almost", says Chuck. Dan arrives with Jenny and Eric.

"How long?", asks Blair.

"Should be later, I think. I dilated about 6cm now", says Charlie.

Hours later, the sound of cry echoes the floor. Chuck holds a baby boy, looking very much like Charlie, except his nose and mouth, but he doesn't mind.

"If you name him Carter, I will murder you", says Chuck and Blair hits his shoulder.

"Charles Flynn. Charles for his grandfather and godfather", says Charlie. Chuck smiles proudly at the child in his arms.

"Flynn? Why Flynn?", asks Nate.

"Because he's red-headed like his mother", says Chuck. He and Charlie, plus Blair have been discussing baby names.

"I think it's a good name", says Blair. When Chuck breaks it down to Blair, she felt divided. She doesn't know whether to be angry or be disappointed at Serena.

"Ok, present time!", says Dan as he brings out the gifts.

Charles and the rest of the Reagans arrive later. They take turn to hold Charlie. "A full red head this one", says Henry.

"Come to Uncle Danny!", everyone coos the child as Charles sits next to his daughter.

"Are you sure you don't want to wait until he's older?", asks Charles.

"Dad, I'm sure", she says. It's not that Charlie wants to abandon this child.

Charles Flynn lives with Henry and Frank at the age of six months when his mother goes off to join the Navy. Charles finally made the decision to stay there as well. The Brooklyn apartment is only for when Charles is too tired to get there.


Charlie misses her son so much. It's been a year since she left. Today, she got her time off (and extra because her SO wants her off so she can spend time with her baby) and she heads back home to see her baby.

Charlie keeps up daily and sees her baby is growing and thriving, happily. Charlie stands at the baggage claim to find her bag. She grabs her and as she walks towards the exit, she meets eye to eye with Serena.

Serena runs off and Charlie didn't bother to run after her. She grabs the subway and head back home. Henry is surprised to see her when he opens the door.

Young Charles Flynn toddles his way to his mother. Charlie picks him up and kisses his chubby cheeks. So far, Charles Flynn grows up healthy and strong, minus the flues here and there. He walks faster than his age and now, he's trying to babble out words.

"Ma...", little Charles Flynn snuggles in his mother's arms.

"He misses you", says Henry.

"I know. I miss him too", she says.

"You know you can stay. You don't have to do up till 6 years", says Henry.

"I want him to be proud of me, so he has something to live up to", says Charlie.

"He does. He has you. He has your strength. He has your courage. Stay with us, Charlie", says Henry.


Charlie stands before her SO. He's scribbling something down before paying attention to her. "I made a decision to cut your time short", he says.

"Sir?", she asks, not knowing why.

"You're young and you already have a son. The circumstances behind it, I don't wanna know, but all I do know, the boy needs you. You're his mother. You need to be side by side with him", says the SO, "Tell me, how old is he?".

"He's two and a half sir", she says.

"I want you home by the time his third birthday. I know this is what you want, but try ask yourself. Did you do this for yourself or you cannot stay with him?", asks the SO. He's half right. Charlie loves her son, but somehow it keeps remind her of what Carter did. "Don't punish the boy for what his father did. You can finish the remainder of your service later on when he's a little older", says the SO, "Reagan, I have kids too. Half of the base have kids. Children aren't responsible of what their parents did".

"Sir, yes sir", Charlie salutes before walking out, feeling a heavy burden being lifted off.

Charles is surprised to hear his daughter at home, playing with her son. He smiles, knowing she has made her decision to stay.

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