Hiding In The Shadows

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Summary: Ariella is well known fighting is what she was trained to do from the moment she was able to walk. Her father is leader of one of the biggest, and most dangerous gangs known in the state of New York. Gangs feared Aly, and people who didn’t know about her double life loved her. Ordered to take out a group of gang leaders she goes undercover.

 Hiding in plain sight is what Ariel does best, but when it comes to Chase she just can’t seem to hide from him. Her heat races, her palms get sweaty, and her breathing grows short when he’s around. She can’t hide from him, and she can’t blow her cover. It seems like she’s got a case of love on her hands. That Aly is on her own to deal with. 

Chase is the kind of guy you don’t take home to your parents. He’s hot, sexy, and a fighter. He’s also part of a gang, living the life on the streets. He’s been the leader of the gang since the age of sixteen. He’s good at spotting bad situations and avoiding them. Being able to recognize a spy is completely different. Especially when you’re falling in love with one.

Even in the darkest times you can always find love. Even in the places, and the people you least expect.

 [] Hiding | In | The | Shadows []


“Tell me what you know!” I shook my head no keeping my head down not wanting to see the hurt in his eyes. “Tell me!” I felt a hand connect with my cheek. My head swinging to the side as I started to taste iron in my mouth. I looked up in surprise I never thought he would hit me. 

“I can’t I’m so sorry. I can’t.” I said so quietly it was barely addible to my own words. “I’m so, so, sorry.” I said louder this time. 

“You lied, and betrayed us. Most of all you betrayed me.” He said as the people around me started to move closer. 

“Don’t do this please! Don’t let them hurt me.”

“I’m afraid you can’t do that. You betrayed us, it’s time for us to get you back. I wonder what your father would think if we sent you back to him in little itty bitty pieces.” I knew that those were only half of the consequences I would pay.

 “No please don’t!” I choked out in a sob, tears finally welling up in my eyes. 

“By the way your acting, I think it would crush him. He’s already lost his wife, if I recall she was sent back to him piece by piece. It would hurt him even more to see his little girl again in the same way as his wife. I’m being generous though and sending you all at the same. I could drag it though.” He said moving closer and dangerous look in his eyes.

“Please stop!” I choked out again trying to move away. He put his hand to the back of my head holding me there.

“I could send you back. Piece. By. Little. Piece.” He said dragging out every word as he spoke. I finally lost it letting tears roll down my cheeks as I sat there on the ground sobbing. “Maybe I’ll send a letter to go along with your body. I wonder what it would say, I could picture it now. Looks familiar doesn’t it, your little girl was weak just like your wife, and now you pay both of the consequences.” 

Memories of my mother were starting to come back. Filling my head and circling around suffocating me with their force. My mom smiling as she held me in her arms, her and my dad watching me as I trained. The day my dad received the package was still fresh in my mind it was only a year ago. 


[] Flashback []

“Come on Aly put your leg into it.” My father shouted as I dodge the trainers punch, sending my foot into his gut quickly. Lashing it out and back quickly regaining my balance quickly as I put my foot back on the ground. I looked over at my father as the fighter put his arms down letting me know we were done. 

“Are we done?”

“For now. Go and get cleaned up Ariella your mother will be home soon. I’m pretty sure she doesn’t want to see a sweaty girl stinking up her house when she comes home.” I stuck my tongue out at my dad childishly. He just laughed ruffling my hair as I walked past him. I scowled at him trying to fix my hair, and patting down my curls. 

“Not cool dad, I’ll be done soon.” I said running towards my room to take a quick shower, and throwing my hair back in a ponytail. I ran back downstairs and towards my fathers, hearing my father's yelling coming from the living room. I stopped looking towards the living room before heading towards my fathers voices. 

I was walking into the living room when two of my fathers men grabbed my arms holding me back. “Dad what’s going on?” I said seeing my father standing in front of me. His head in his hands, when he turned to me I flinched back from the look on his face. It was filled with pain, and anger. The way my fathers jaw was locked, and his jaw set. I could see he was out for blood.

When he turned to me, he gave me view of a box sitting behind him in the opened front door. The sunlight coming in through the door, lighting up the rooming and shining off the cardboard of the box. My fathers eyes hardened even more when he looked at me, he turned around stepping over the box and running out the door. Slamming it shut behind him I stared at the door he closed behind him.

“What are you doing still standing here? Go and get him before he does something stupid.” I yelled at the two bodyguards standing next to me, they nodded running out the door after my father. I walked over to the box picking up the letter that was lying on the ground next to it. The box unopened.

 Dear Zane,

I always thought your wife would be a fighter. She wasn’t though, she was incredibly weak when it came to my charms. Sending your own wife into dangerous territory was a very bad move on your part. At least I’m kind enough to send her back to you. I hope you like the gift.

With All My Hate,


Confused at the note I grabbed the box picking it up and taking it into the kitchen, I grabbed my pocket knife out of my pocket. Ripping the sealing tap off the package. I was hit with a rancid smell as soon as I opened the top. I covered my nose sticking my head down, coughing and gagging from the smell. I took a minute to get my twisting stomach under control without losing my breakfast.

I put my attention back on the box lifting the flaps off and looking inside, I let a scream rip through me. As I fell onto the tiles of the floor and scooted away, inside the box was my mother.

[] End Of Flashback []

The packages had continued coming for weeks. Each time there was more, and more until they stopped. Now I looked up at the man in front of me knowing he was the one who had killed my mother. My father had made the same mistake with me, as he did my mother. I knew I wouldn’t end up like my mother though, I wasn’t weak I was going to find a way out of this and get away.

“My father will come for me.”

“How could he? He has no idea where your at. He’s not going to be able to save his little girl, just like he wasn’t able to save his precious Vanessa.” I wanted to be sick, as I heard the slamming of a door against concrete, and the sound of feet and voices. Light filling into the dark room, as I looked around finally able to see the concrete walls surrounding me.

I felt something touch my shoulder, I looked up scooting away seeing Chase standing there. I wanted to wrap my arms around him, and thank him. He didn’t even look at me again as he untied me, and picked me up taking me out of that hell. I knew I’d lost his trust, but one day I hoped to get it back.

[] Hiding | In | The | Shadows []

This is the Sneak Peak of my new book Hiding In The Shadows.

This book is about how even in the darkest times you can always find love. Even in the places, and the people you least expect.







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