Nightmares In Life

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Summary: August Jordan was looking forward to travelling across Europe with her best friend as a graduation present from her parents for graduating school at the top of her class. She was looking forward to the sight seeing, and hanging out with her friends. Not to mention all the guys that she would meet.

She wasn’t expecting the wicked turn that her Graduation Vacation was going to take. She definitely wasn’t expecting to be forced on to drugs, and becoming a sex slave. August set out for the vacation of her life. Instead she got a nightmare that she didn’t even want to live. 


This was it. I was finally officially graduated from High School. Throwing my cap up into the air with everybody elses. It seemed to block the sun for just a moment before they all started to rain down again. Letting the sun shine back through. I quickly found my friend Maria through the crowd of students. I bent down picking up a cap next to my feet. Not really caring if it was mine or not. It’s not like it would matter. I wasn’t going to be wearing the cap, and gown ever again. Well not this same one anyway. 

Maria spotted me walking towards her. A big smile was stretched across her face. Her long caramel colored hair flowing down her back in loose curls, stopping just a few inches above her butt. Her green eyes on mine as she walked towards me as quick as she could. Meeting me half way, and immediately wrapping me in a hug.

“We did it AJ, we finally graduated High School.” She said into my ear, excitement so easily detected in her voice. I hugged her back tightly. We pulled back to look at each other. We were both smiling at each other. A look passing between us. A conversation in that one look that we didn’t have to say aloud. 

Maria and me had been friends since first grade. We’d been going to school together for years. We weren’t really friends till first grade. When I stopped her from getting picked on by one of the guys in our class. After that we’d been inseparable. Always attached at the hip. We were one of those friends that could have conversations with our eyes just because we knew exactly what the other one was thinking. We went through everything together.

Which is why Maria and I were taking one last trip together before going to different colleges in the fall. One last time to be best friends without anything separating us. Of course we’d always be best friends. Even if we were halfway across the country from each other. We just wouldn’t be able to see each other every day like normal, or talk to each every second of the day like we normally do. Maria and were always going to be best friends. When college came though. Things would have to change, but I knew it would only make us even better friends. 

We pulled away from each other as somebody cleared their throats from next to us. I looked to see my parents staring at us smiling. My moms arm wrapped around my dad’s waist. My dad had his arm around my mom’s shoulder. They were both smiling at Maria, and me proudly.

“So how does it feel girls? To officially be graduated from High School?” My mom asked us. I could see the camera in her free hand, the string wrapped around her wrist to keep her from dropping it. She’d been pointing that thing at me all morning. Taking pictures of every single little thing that I did. I’m pretty sure she even has one of me eating breakfast of me this morning. My face stuffed full of the pancakes she’d made me. As soon as I got my hands on that camera I was going to delete that picture, and any other embarrassing pictures I could find.

“It feels pretty good. It’ll feel even better when we are travelling around Europe,” Maria said throwing her hands up in the air in complete excitement. I knew she was excited for this trip. So was I. 

“Yeah it’s going to be amazing,” I said smiling. Matching my best friends excitement. My parents had paid for Maria and me to travel around Europe this summer before heading off to college. Of course I had to graduate at the top of my class to get the trip. I didn’t really care cause it was easy for me. Maria was just happy that she could tag along.

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