Friends that Come and Go

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Hey, Readers! I literally can't stop writing. Do you know how long I stayed up to write that last chapter? Till 4 IN THE MORNING! Luckily the only thing keeping me awake was watching Sylar kill a bunch of people.....Zachary Quinto, oh lord <3. Lol ANYHOO, here's Chapter 3, ENJOOOOOY!


Natsu P.O.V

I was out in the balcony, trying to cool myself off.

It wasn't working.

I didn't know why I was so upset. I mostly felt betrayed. I was the one who first found Lucy.  Despite only knowing her for a few minutes, I had trusted her immediately. She took me out to eat, which was how you could always gain my trust. I even took her in to Fairy Tail, god damn it. She didn't have any right to lie to me like that!

As I continued to attempt to cool down, a voice spoke behind me. "Natsu."

I turned around and saw that it was Lucy herself. I was too angry to even look at her. I simply turned around and looked outside, leaning towards the balcony. I could hear her bare footsteps get cloer behind me. "Natsu, please. Listen to me at least."

"And why should I, Luce? Or Lucilia."

"Natsu, please don't be that way," Lucy begged. "I had my reasons for not telling you!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever," I growled. "I'm through with your lies."

"I was doing it to protect everyone," Lucy said. "You and the rest of the guild wouldn't stand a chance against the Shlavek."

"And how do you know that?" I asked, giving her my greatest attempt at an ice cold stare.

"Did you not hear what I said earlier," Lucy said. "They are magic proof. You wouldn't have been able to touch them! Everything would've ended with you in a pool of your own blood! I didn't want that!"

"I could've handle it. You should've just told the guild!" 

"I couldn't risk it!" Losing control, I walked up Lucy to the point where our noses almost touched.  She looked scared. That was good. I wanted her scared. I wanted her to feel how I felt when her true self appeared up at the  mountains.  I inflamed my hands and whispered, "You could've told me at least...I thought we were closer than this...I told you all my secrets..."

"And I told you mine!" Tears were flowing down her face. Guilt began to rise inside of me. But soon, they were replaced by my true feelings inside of me,


"Not all of them," I hissed. And with that, I walked away, leaving her on the balcony. I looked around and found Gray eating with Elfman at a table. I walked up to them and asked, "Have you guys seen Lisanna? I really need to talk to her."

"Last time I saw her was upstairs with  Freed."

"Freed?" I asked.

"Yeah, Freed. But enough about that, how are you doing?"

"Me? What about me?" I asked. They gave each other nervous looks, and then looked at me. "Ya know, about Lucy and all? Geez, a lot of weird things happen in Fairy Tail, but I wasn't expecting any of this at all! Were you Gray?"

He shook his head. "Lucy just seemed like...I don't know, the human type? But she's freaking half-dragon!" These two continued to talk about Lucy right in front of me. Like the usual, these two were acting more like idiots than I usually was. But then Gray asked a question that completely threw me off guard. "Natsu, didn't you like Lucy?"

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