"Prepare to die..."

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*Meanwhile Luke’s POV*

I walk up to the door a little nervous because that Pr!ck just walked out his door and is on his way over. I don’t care if he is my best friend’s little brother’s best friend… I hate him; he’s always giving my girl these looks like he is going to jump her at anytime; and every time I just want to kill him… and don’t even get me started on how she looks at him. She is mine, and one day I am going to make her forget about him and the only one she’ll love, the only one she’ll want to love, will be me.

I get to the door and knock; I hear her lightly skip to the door, when she opens the door my breath leaves me and all I can do is stare. She is so F*cking beautiful; she is still in her pajamas- short shorts and a tank-top that is way too low and show’s half of her breast and is tight everywhere else. At the sight I feel myself get so hard… I hope she doesn’t notice, she is still a virgin and I don’t want to make her nervous about anything yet. But I will have her… and soon.

“What do you want?” She asks me as Zander just walks past her as if she is Sh!t on his shoe. Does the Pr!ck not notice the beauty in front of him; it makes me want to kill him so bad. I glare at him as he walks into the kitchen.

“Hey babe, you look hot today.” I say to her with the biggest ‘you’re mine’ grin.

 “Goodbye.” She says and attempts to slam the door in my face. She can be so feisty sometimes; this makes me laugh and puts my hand up to stop the door.

“Awe, frog, don’t be like that.” I give her a pouty face.

“I TOLD YOU NEVER TO CALL ME THAT AGAIN!!!!!!” She screams at me… she looks so F*cking sexy when she gets angry; at this thought I have to reposition the way I’m standing to make my hard-on a little less noticeable… as if that’s possible.

“It’s not my fault that you are scared of them. I personally think it’s cute.” I inform her as I remember the time we went fishing and as soon as she saw one she screamed her head off... so, me, being 11 year old me, picked it up and chased her around with it, soon Chris had joined in on the chase… it only ended when she ran straight to Michael while balling her eyes out. He picked her 6 year old self up and soothed her until she had calmed down… I got the beating from H3ll that night from Michael, and Chris was grounded for like, a month. Ever since then I’ve called her ‘frog’ and she’s hated it; it’s a cute pet-name though.

“Angel, Is there a problem?” Zander asks while glaring at me from behind her.

“No. No problem… yet. But I may need your help after I murder him.” She mutters warningly and turns to walk away. I laugh loudly… she’s so F*cking funny sometimes.

“Awe, I didn’t mean to upset you frog.” I call after her.

“Dude, seriously, I’d shut up if you value your balls… we both know she’d cut them off without a second thought, and if she didn’t then I’d just beat the crap out of you for her.” Zander mutters and chuckle, as if he could beat me up; besides, if she got her hands on my balls there would be no cutting going on.

When I get into the kitchen Chris is sitting there eating homemade pizza… yum. I join him and he looks deep in thought and kind of stresses out, he has been awfully quite lately, so have Kris- Kristina- and Mike- Michael.

“Dude, what has been your problem lately? All of you have looked stressed, and been quiet all week.” I ask, this just causes him to snap out of it.

“Nothing” He mutters like a pmsing bitch.

“Oookkkaaayyy” I drag out the word. “Hey dude, where’s Mike?”

“Upstairs fighting with his girlfriend; I wouldn’t go up there, you don’t want to get in the crossfire, or the makeup sex…. I’d leave them alone for about two hours; you remember what happened last time.” He says with a shudder… of course I remember last time; it’s not every day you get brought into your best friend and his girlfriend’s fight then the start having sex… with you still in the room. I am permanently scared; I never wanted to see Mike or Angie that close up and personal. 

“Yeah, I wish I could forget.” I cringe a little. “Where’s Zander?” I ask after sometime and finally realizing he’s not in the room.

“I don’t know man; probably upstairs F*cking my sister, at least that’s what I hope; they really need to get rid of the sexual frustration.” At this I had to clench and unclench my hands to keep from making it so he couldn’t say anything like that ever again; but I can’t, that would make my beautiful frog upset, and she’d probably hate me for a little while.

“I’m going to take a piss man” I told him and make my way towards the bathroom until I know he can no longer see me; then I change my path upstairs.

When I get there her door is closed but thanks to my awesome hearing I can still hear what is being said.

“Who… Who’s having a baby?” Someone’s having a baby? I bet her mom is having another kid. But we all know that I’d be Mike, Chris, and Kris taking care of it.

“I am… And it is your baby… so if you want to be a father you will be. If not, go now, I can’t take it if you wait longer to walk out.” WHAT THE F*CK? THAT LITTLE PIRCK GOT MY GIRL PREGNANT? I really hope he leaves her; then I can go be the dad to all of her children, that’s the way it should be. This is big, I mean she is having another man’s baby, but she doesn’t love him and he doesn’t love her… not really. We can overcome this, and I will just pretend the baby is mine, no one will know the difference. Then she can have a lot more babies that will all be mine, because she’s MY girl, MINE and no one else’s.

 “Angel, look at me.” He pleaded with her.“Please open your eyes, please Angel.” His voice sounding full of emotion. “A baby huh?” He asked sounding happy… stupid Pr!ck.

“Yeah, a baby.” She murmured.

“Our Baby.”

“Yeah, our baby.” She repeated, slightly laughing.

“Hi, baby, I’m your daddy.” Doesn’t he know the baby can’t talk back… she giggled, probably because he was going crazy. “I love you; your mommy is a silly women, she thought I’d not love her because of you, but what she didn’t think was that I’d love her more because of you. I didn’t think it was possible to love her more than I already did, but somehow I do now. I’m going to try to be the best daddy in the whole wide world. I’m going to help teach you to walk and talk and go potty in the toilet… that’s because I don’t really want to change your diaper forever” that made her laugh harder “then I’m going to teach you to ride a bike and to do all the things a daddy does.” WHAT THE F*CK! THERE IS NO WAY IN H3LL I WILL SIT BACK AND WATCH AS HE PLAYS DADDY TO MY KID!! Alexzander David Williamson prepare to give me what is mine or die….

Hahaha I'm Evil... bet you wanted to know what happened with Zander and Kristina. Okay, don't think I'm always going to spoil you, four chapters in less than an hour; I just wanted to get the story a good start. I do have a job, I'm still in school, I have a life, and a family so... but I will try my best to upload a few times a week; minimum of once a week; and if I forget send me ONE message, but please don't get annoying. I'm already working on the next chapter. You can thank love_me_dead24 for me even putting this story up, she's my only fan and she really encourages me a lot in my writing. I want 1 more vote, fan or comment and I'll finish the next chapter and upload... I say one more because you don't count Callie :p I have 25 reads on the story, if anyone likes it 30 seconds from one person is all i ask... please :)


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