"You weren't ready"

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Chapter 6

Kristina’s POV

“Angel… I’m not like you… I’m not human….” I gave him a sarcastic look that said ‘no, really… you’ve got to be kidding me.’  

“I know.”

“Angel, did you hear me? I said I’m not human. Like, at all. I’m different than you… I don’t know how else to say it.” He must think I’m stupid; okay I know he doesn’t but he is acting like I’m going into shock or that I don’t believe him.

“Yes, I heard you. And I said ‘I know’ as in this is no surprise to me, as in I know all about it… well, you.” It doesn’t take a mind reader to see what is going through his head. He is trying to figure out how I know.

“How do you know Angel?”

“Because, I’m not human either” I can see how shocked he is by how casually I said it. “But, I’m not like you; I’m not like anything you’ve ever seen before.”

“Then what are you Angel?”

‘I’m a controller’ I tell him in his mind… he looks so freaked out that I kind of want to laugh.

“Did you just do that or am I beginning to hear voices in my head?” At this I actually want to laugh.

“Baby, you’re a werewolf- the Alpha’s oldest son too- you should be used to hearing people’s voices in your head.” I say while looking into his eyes; by this point we’re both sitting facing each other on the bed so I grab his hand.

“I guess, it’s just weird, I never thought I’d hear your voice in my head until after you became my alpha female…. What’s a ‘controller’? What’s that mean? And why have I never heard of it/you before?”

“We date back before you, before all of the other types of supernaturals; my kind is sort of like the maker of your kind. There used to be more of us, a lot more of us, but most of us have either died, gone into hiding or gone on the run- like my parents. It’s hard to kill us; really hard, only other controllers have the power to kill another controller, but some of us have gone power hungry and have started to group together to track down the stronger ones down; the problem with that is that when there are so many of them against the few of us left with any real power, we lose. My family is one of the only families that are left with any real power, we are from one of the oldest lines; therefore, we are one of the hardest to kill.”

“Why do others want to kill those who have more power? And what are your powers?” He is looking slightly worried now… worried about the baby, worried about me maybe.

“Because, when you kill one of us our power doesn’t die with us, it gets divided among the line and given to all the living members of a line, but, when you kill an entire line the power goes to whoever killed the line, so, if there were ten people left in one line and they all get killed by ten different people then when the last member of the line is killed- the member who would have held all the line’s power- that power gets split between anyone who has ever killed a member of the line. And my powers… well, everything really, I can shape shift to form. Meaning, I can be a different person, or a different species. I can obviously read minds and communicate through minds, I even have mediocre mind control powers that get stronger as more of our line go. I can transport anywhere in the world just by thinking of it, I can go to any time just by thinking of it, telekinesis, element control, healing, I have a protective shield, umm… well, you name it I can do it, just some things are harder than others or take more energy or power than others; then there is the basics, spells- which are harder because that is an art that has been lost over the generations, but I still know some basics, I just don’t know anything past the basics so I can’t defend against anything but the basics- super speed, super strength, I can see the future, like I said, you name it I can probably do it. And then there are the fun things that we can do if we have all the power in the line- meaning either the last in the line or every member of the line gets together- and that plays in to how my kind is the maker of the other kinds, there was a time when all the lines- the original lines- got together a few times a year to make sure all was going well with the humans, and to experiment- this way we knew exactly what the extents of our powers were and what our weaknesses were-well during one of these experiments it was decided to try and single out our powers. What wasn’t realized that when we singled out our powers and visualized just one power with all the members from one line doing this together we would actually create a being with this power, thus all the species were born. Werewolves were first, and when the first werewolf was created we didn’t want to erase it we wanted to do it again, and again, and again, this way we could see how the power survived on its own, some didn’t, some did. We made sure there were the same amount of each to start with and then we stood back and observed. There are other things we can do, but, like I said, sometimes we cannot do it with just one member from the line.”

“So… what will the baby be?” He looked as if he was trying to solve a hard math problem.

“A controller, our side is dominate in genetics, but, he/she will have a stronger pull toward shifting into a wolf… even though he/she will be considered a pure bread controller because I am a controller and you are a wolf, if you were a human- or certain supernatural’s that are closer to humans than the supernatural world- the baby would not be a pure bread.”

“If you guys have all this power why don’t you stop the killings?”

“We can’t; that is like going on a suicide mission; because it would just end with each side having more and more people come back and fight for them and it would be one big battle, but, the world would probably get destroyed- or at least most of it would- with all that power clashing. It is easier to fight in small groups. And when it is a fight we win, when it is a group of them vs. a single one of us they usually win.”

“If you’ve known about me all this time, why didn’t you tell me? That would have kept so many more secrets from our relationship.”

“Because I had to know, for sure, that you were ready to learn about me, we are destined for each other- mates, as you would say- but, before you were ready to tell me about you I could not tell you about me. It is a rule, we are not allowed to tell anyone about us until we know they are ready, and you were not ready.”

“Are people after you? Will they be after the baby?”

“They are not after me yet, they don’t know about me. That’s why my parents have always spent as little amount of time in contact with us as possible and when we do get together it is hardly ever in the open, we go to special protected areas. It’s never been about them not loving us, it has been about them loving us and therefore they stay away to protect us; until we are strong enough to fight that is. There is a prophecy that among our line there will be multiples born that will put an end to The Great Controller War; or something like that, there is also something about how it could all go wrong and blah blah blah; our line used to think that it meant that there will be MULTIPLE born but when we looked again it said MULTIPLES, which we think means twins, and since Chris and I are the first set of twins ever we all think it is us.”

“And the baby? Will people be after the baby once they find out?” He has every right to be stressed about it.

“If Chris and I don’t stop this before it come to that… yes, there will be.” I tell him while looking straight into his eyes.

Sorry I lied about when I would post, my uncles girlfriend went to the hospital and that was where I was. She was having my baby cousin, but my uncle and I are so close that it was almost like she was having my niece.  By the way, if you’re ever sitting in a hospital waiting on a family member to have a baby, it is a great place to write… unless you forget your laptop at home.

If you didn’t notice the part where dialogue looks like ‘______’ they are talking in their heads.

I tried to make this chapter longer but I’m really tired so I am sorry for any mistakes.

What did you think? Let me know J

I want some form of encouragement before the next chapter- which I will try to get done before next Tuesday night. I have a birthday get together with family this weekend meaning I have about six of them staying at my house… I don’t know if you’ve ever had to be in a house with ten family members trying to get things done around one another when they usually have their own houses to get stuff done…. It’s bad, and loud, especially with my family. So yeah, encouragement would be awesome.

This chapter is dedicated to my new fan stacyhope128

Thanks everyone! Goodnight… or should I say good morning since it’s almost 1 am

Sweet dreams J


Me, My Boyfriend, His Twin, My Twin, Our Kids and My StalkerWhere stories live. Discover now