10~None Of Your Fine Business.

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I just wanted to dedicate this chapter to mufunwamadele i hope i spelled it right thank u so much for the support u make my day 10 times better with your votes thank u so much.

Anyways ENJOY!


"I- i was looking for you" i mumbled as a blush creeped up my neck and settled on my cheeks.

"Oh okey, what's up!" He said smiling lightly at my tomato face.

"What's your problem with Beau?" I asked going straight to the point.

"Ah! He told you about our little talk, i can't believe how immature some people are!" He shook his head indifferently.

"I'm still waiting!" I announced my anger building up quickly.

"For what? For me to propose?" He asked faking confusion. Him acting so nonchalantly and like it was no big deal made me even more mad.

"Ugh Roman stop it, going behind my back and talking shit to him was a low blow. Who do i be friend with is none of you fine business. I hope this will never happen again." I snapped and i know it was bad, i already regret the words that flew out of my mouth. But when i snap i say bad things everytime.

Nevertheless i stood my ground, looking him straight in the eye waiting for his reply.

"Okey kitten, no worries i'll never do that again. But be careful, i mean look at his friends" he pointed at Zack, looking hight AF.

"Don't you think he's like them? After all he's one of them. Besides didn't it occur to you he told you what happened just so we get into a fight and create problems between us? Guess he succeeded. Have a good day Hope." He argued calmly which was scary. Scarier than him yelling at the top of his lungs at me.

With that he walked away toward the back parking lot while i headed to the school building...

The day went by so slowly. And by the time the bell rung i was at the verge of eating glass. The classroom was empty in seconds as i was the only one in there, putting my things in my bag absentmindedly. But noises from outside startled me.

When i looked from the window i saw a huge crowd yelling something that i couldn't hear from where i was so i decided to go join and see what was happening.

"FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" That was what people were yelling. Being a shorty i had to push through the crowd of people until i got to the end of it.

What i saw made me feel a lot of things at the same time, anger, confusion, worry, disappointment. In the middle of the circle students made, were Roman and Beau beating the shit out of each other.

"What the hell is going on!??" I asked confused. Hearing my voice made them both stop for a moment.

"None of your fine business" Roman stated coldly, which hurt me may I say but i realised that those were my own words to him earlier today. Now that i know how he felt, guilt begun eating at my insides like a hungry monster.

"I'll have to disagree on that one!" Beau pipped in.

"How about you stay out of it!" Roman snapped turning his glare from me to Beau, and if looks could kill Beau would be six feet under.

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