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I woke up Monday morning and all i could think of was i needed sleeping pills ASAP.

I groaned, getting out of bed, turned my alarm off and went to the bathroom. After freshening up i picked my outfit that consisted of a burgundy cropped turtle neck sweater, high waisted black jeans and a black beanie as i let my blonde hair down after i straightened it a little bit.

Putting some makeup and sliding into my timberlands, i got my bag and made my way downstairs.

"Good morning mother" i smiled softly at her.

"Good morning Hope" she smiled back, a concerned expression on her face.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Don't get me wrong i appreciate her worrying and wanting to be there for me, but i'm sick of people treating me like i'm made of glass, i've been dealing with this situation alone for a long time. And i'm still alive and smiling. I also feel really bad when i see someone is concerned or feeling bad because of me.

"I'm in the mood for a coffee i'll get one from Starbucks that's close to the school" i said as i approached her giving her a kiss and soon was out of the door.

It was still early so i decided a walk would be just fine. I needed it to clear my mind a bit.

I looked at the house beside mine and remembered yesterday's events. The boys were the new neighbours.

Also Roman had been acting weird lately, he had been avoiding me, no texts, not even a stare and i could've played this game but i was not going to. I decided i was going to talk to him today.

With that in mind i continued my walk to school. Got a coffee on the way.

As i got to school something popped up in my mind. Did people know what happened last week with Beau? Were there rumours already spreading? Was i going to be attacked by his friends? What happened to him anyway? Was i in deep shit?

I was full on panicking by now. Breath Hope you have been through worse, you can handle a bunch of teenagers.

With a new found confidence i made my way into the school. Nothing was suspicious, no one was whispering and no one stared.

I sighed in relief and made my way to my locker putting stuff i didn't need.

"Well well well, look who's back?" A high pitched voice said from behind me and i scowled as i recognise it.


"Honestly Nina? This early in the morning?" I questioned her as i continued organising my locker not sparing her a glance.

"Look at me when i'm talking to you, bitch!"she exclaimed raising her voice, thus catching everybody's attention.


"How about you stop calling me names i should be the one calling you with, also turn your voice down a notch, you're giving me a headache." I replied still not looking at her.

Suddenly she put her hand on my shoulder and turned me around harshly, and that did it!

"Easy there!" I said as i got worked up, i gripped her hand tightly, removed it from my shoulder and twisted it until her back was to me.

"Look, I'm missing on my sleep, i'm late to class, it's a Monday morning and i didn't have my breakfast, also i had defence classes, you really don't want to mess with me, bitch. So i suggest you go fuck somebody else's mind." I threatened her with a low voice laced with seriousness and anger.

"Let go, you're hurting me!" She yelled and i let go of her forcefully, her eyes shined with fear and anger what made me smirk. shutting my locker door i got out of the circle that formed around us.

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