Chapter 3

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~Chapter 3~

I stride out of the train and take a long satisfying stretch.

"Okay!" I sighed out, starting my journey to attend the alchemist exam. I took slow and carefree steps, taking in the exciting town. My thoughts were interrupted with a violent shove that disrupted my pace.

"Get back here Al!" I heard a loud shout. Surprise set in as the words seeped into my mind.

"...Al?" I whispered in shock and an overflowing happiness inside me. I looked up and saw Ed scurring around the street, chasing Al. I lowered. My eyes to the ground, letting my bangs cover my eyes. I mustered all the strength I could to speak their names. After a minute of internal battle, I finally screamed their names.

"Ed! Al!" They turned their eyes to me, with curiosity on their faces. I lefted my face with the courage I convinced myself I had in the train to face them. In the horrifying ten seconds of silence, I waited for the happiness or brutality that was predicted to arrive.

"Who are you?" a felt a sharp pang inside my chest as I heard Ed utter those painful words. Then I felt a sudden coldness around me as cold arms wrapped around me excitedly.

"Stella!" I looked up to Al with tears streaming around the edges of my eyes, threatening to spill over. A new feeling of happiness rushed inside me. Al remembers me. Al still loves me. Al is happy to see me! Al unlocked his hold around me and looked toward Ed.

"What's wrong Ed?! It's Stella!" Al shrieked his excitement to Ed that was still across the street with wide eyes and shock written on his face. I saw one of his feet step forward silently, hesitantly, then he rushed forward and enveloped me into his warm arms in a sudden jerk.

"Stella." He whispered in my ear, gently. Ed is here, holding me now. The happiness inside of me spilled over and so did my tears. With a jerk, Ed stepped back and looked at me.

"Why are you crying?!" I held my breathe and with all my power, I sucked in the tears as I wiped away the ones that escape.

"No reason." Ed chopped my head like a karate master.

"Obviously there's a reason if you're crying!" I glared at him after his response.

"I just want you to be honest! You don't have to yell!"

"If I say it's nothing that's what it is!" I screamed in his face.



"What did you say?!" He yelled back at me as I hit a sensitive spot.

"I said midget!" I sassed him. Ed launched forward and tickled me with an haunting evil look on his face. I shrieked and tickled him back but he had no reaction to this.

"It's your weakness not mine!" he taunted me. Al came up behind Ed and lifted him up in the air and prevented Ed from torturing me further. I regained my breathing and laughed at the sight of Ed being in the air.

"Why can't you be cute like Al, Ed?!" I criticized him. I knew I embarrassed Al and angered Ed with that one simple question. I laughed and Al joined me with a nervous giggle while Ed crossed his arms and pouted. I missed them. I'm so happy we are all together again.

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