Chapter 6

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~Chapter 6~

I huffed, stiffening my shoulders in discontent as I walked. Grumbling under my breath.

"I hate shopping." I announced, curling my lips. They sent me out because they had their own "errands" to accomplish, or so they claimed. I shook my head, stomping my feet proudly around the corner, hoping if I pretended I was content, my spirits would soon lift. Shopping isn't the worst thing that could happen! Cheer up Stella! You stubborn brat! I flinched, realizing that my subconscious was not one to hand out the greatest compliments in moments of need.

Keeping my strong attitude in check, I marched down the streets, scanning the area around me. My brow lifted as I noticed the fact that not many people were out in the area I was in. A dark cat crossed the road, leaving me to be the only being with a beating heart to be seen. I giggled to myself when I wondered if there possibly could have been an ant, or a busy bee as another living creature to roam here.

"Haah.. You laugh just as she did." A rough voice halted my thoughts as I raised my eyes to meet his. A man walked towards me, stopping not too far in front of me, he raised his head and grinned at me as I stared dubiously.

"A-Ah! Sorry! I didn't notice anyone was even here." I blinked, completely frazzled to have the solidarity suddenly evaporated by this tall lean man's presence. He seemed to be around 25 I thought. He smirked after I spoke, a scar that raked across his forehead, down his nose and met down to his ear, lifted as he smiled. His being was unsettling. He radiated a sort of unidentifiable warning, making myself feel rigid underneath his gaze.

"I tend to slink about unnoticed. I don't take your words to heart." He misunderstood my sudden fear as me recognizing my lack of manners towards his presence.

"I find it entertaining to have the ability to sneak up on such a girl." He grinned even wider, more of his teeth showing in his cynical smirk. He jerked some of his jagged hair out of his face. He had a buzz cut on one side of his head, the other side held the longest brown flowing hair. He would've been handsome, if he did not bear such a smile and such a scar. If he did not speak as though he were speaking to prey. I grew even more stiff the more I took him in and absorbed the aura he shared. I suddenly did not want to be alone. Not with this man, in this empty and lonely street or any street or any other place for that matter.

"It's nice meeting you but I need to meet someone." I quickly evaded further conversation with this hunter in front of me, I gathered my courage and ran past him, slightly bumping into his shoulder as I pass. I glanced behind me for a mere second to utter a goodbye and ran as fast as my feet would let me. When I looked, the man had stopped in the middle of the lonely street, watching my retreating figure. I turned into a corner sharply and jumped onto some boxes, climbing over the other side and plopping down. I let my feet carry me as far as I could till I slammed myself into something.

"S-Stella!" Or someone. I trailed my gaze up to meet my favorite pair of sweet golden eyes. I immediately felt myself become lighter as the panic from before slowly diminished as Ed placed a hand on either one of my arms from the impact, looking down at me.

"God Stella. Is this what you do when we send you off? Trample people?" He lifted a brow and sighed exasperatedly, his accusatory tone being brought back to live once again in his tone as he usually spoke. I didn't reply, I just let his presence wash over me, security fell over me as I absorbed it. I sighed out in relief and dropped my forehead onto the front of his shoulder. Ed furrowed his brows, looking down at me and pushed me back to look at me, and I met his gaze.

"Stel?" His concern broke through me as I looked up at him.

"Is everything alright?" He pushed his gaze away from mine and his eyes searched behind me for the cause. I quickly shook my head as I took a long breath in.

"I'm fine, you nimrod." I shook my head mockingly. Ed rushed a full breath in, his face turning red as his tirade began. I didn't really listen. I just watched him with a small smile growing behind my lips. I felt it disappear when that mans grin flashed in the back of my mind. Who was he...?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2014 ⏰

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