Chapter 4

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Thank you for your comments. It pushed me to finally update :)

~Chapter 4~

I rolled my eyes dramatically, stopping them to glance at the sky. My gaze away from the psychotic ranting blonde next to me.

"Don't roll your eyes at me! I could teach you a thing or two you ungrateful-"

"Ungrateful?" I cut him off.

"You're the one that never cared to visit in the years you've been gone and now I come to see you guys and I get lectured?" I continued. Ed snapped his mouth shut with a painful look in his eye.

"I-" He started but I cut him off again.

"Stupid string bean." I muttered angrily. I saw him suck in a breath in frustration and angst as he exploded into another rant.

"What do ya mean my body is so small you have to use a telescope, you brat?! I'll teach you a thing or two!" he lurched at me from the table he was leaning on to the couch I was sitting at and pinned me. My eye twitch, knowing what he was going for and instinctually raised my knee to meet an especially sensitive area in his lower body.

He keeled over, rolling over to a seat next to me. He covered his crotch to recover, letting out a squeak.

"...Oops." I said with a silent hidden giggle behind my hand. The door cracked open and Al peeked in.

"Lunch?" He asked in a gentle encouraging voice. In an instant, Ed jumped up and nodded in anticipation.

"Yeah!" He yelled with a grin spreading across his face. My eyes widened with his sudden recovery.

"That was fast." I uttered in fascination. Al gave a small giggle and sat in a love seat across from us and placed the food for us on the coffee table that was in between us.

Ed launched himself as his plate and started stuffing his face with moans of satisfaction and happiness. I picked up a piece of bread gingerly between two fingers and took a delicate bite.

"Thanks, Al!" I smiled across to him.

"Your welcome Stella." I could hear the gentle smile intended with his voice.

"If you don't mind me asking Stella, why are you here?" Al asked me politely, as always.

I swallowed my food nervously. I gave a guilty look to Ed, who laid his arms wide onto the back of the couch, crossing his legs.

"Yeah, what do ya want?" Ed added to Al's question, with his loud obnoxious voice.

"Er..." I hesitated. "C-can't I just come to visit without any suspicion?" I stuttered slightly and scolded myself silently. Ed gave me a blank look next to me.

"Me and Al both know you aren't one for taking the initiative in showing affection Stella." I frowned at Ed's remark, hearing it's truth.

"I-I....I wanted to be with you guys." I fumbled with my fingers nervously as Ed looked down and took note of this.

"Well you're here now right?" Al replied encouragingly.

"W-Well, I mean, I want to, you with you guys... As you look for your bodies." I whispered the last part gently. Ed slammed his hands down on the table and swung his head to look at me with a cold steady glare.

"No." Ed said as cruelly as his glare towards me.

"Our search is becoming very dangerous every day Stella." Al said gingerly to me. Ed switched his gaze upon Al.

"We are not negotiating this. The answer is no." Ed pushed himself off the table and walked with his feet hitting roughly against the floor and slamming the door. Me and Al could still hear him stomp till he arrived at his room and swung his door shut. There was a moment of silence between me and Al before he broke it.

"I just don't want you to get hurt Stella. Neither does Ed." He stroked gently with his words.

"That exactly why I want to help you guys. You guys are my best friends and I want to help...and make sure you never get hurt." I whispered the last part.

"But Stella-" He started.

"No. I have waited forever wondering everyday if you guys were dead or moved on with your lives and forgot us. I want to be here. I've trained hard since you both have left. I can defend myself. I won't hold you back." I retaliated strongly, my strong feelings brushing with each word. It was torture without them.

"...I understand." Al finally responded.

"I missed you too and I'd be fun to have you around. I know Ed would be happier. You could calm him down easily. I can never do that...I trust that you can come with us and everything will be fine. You're a strong girl Stella." Al encouraged me. I looked up at him, my heart warming.

"Al..." I smiled. Al smiled back and gestured me to the door.

"Go talk to him. He's being stubborn but he's also just protective of you." Al encouraged me again.

"Thanks." I smiled at Al and walked out the door and to Ed's room. I stood outside his door, with my hand near the door but not touching. I was trying to get the courage to knock but before I could, I heard Ed say something to me through the door.

"Don't just creep outside my door." Ed said bluntly.

I hesitantly wrapped my fingers around the door knob and turned it to open the door and find Ed sitting up on the edge of his bed. He still look stern and patted the space next to him for me to sit. I pushed the door behind me and walked in silently, sitting next to him. I settled myself slowly next to him.

"...I'm sorry." I broke the silence. A few moments after my words, he slumped his head down on my shoulder, looking strictly at the wall.

"Yeah." He replied shortly. We stayed that way for a while then he suddenly pulled his head from my shoulder and yanked my arm so I collided into his chest. He held me gingerly and softly. A few more moments of silence followed as I tried to understand what just happened.

"...Ed?" a couple seconds later he let me go and turned away from me.

"...You can come." His words sank in and I smiled widely. I hugged him.

"Thank you Ed!" I screamed happily. He smirked and swatted me away.

"Yeah, yeah just go so I can sleep." He rolled his eyes at me, but the smirk never left his face. I nodded and stood up from the bed and walked to the door.

"Good night Stel." I stopped in my tracks and looked down at the ground to smile. My back still turned to him. He called me by the nickname he gave me so long ago. I glanced over my shoulder and smiled.

"Good night midget." I recalled him the nickname I have him years ago also. I also called him Eddy, but that name didn't annoy him as much as midget did. He irked and clenched his teeth.

"Good night." He replied with solid finality. I laughed quietly to myself and open and closed the door behind me and jumped to find Al in front of me. I smiled and we clapped our hands together excitedly, jumping up and down.

"Yay!" we both screamed. Al shaked the house a little.

"I can hear you guys!" Ed shouted angrily from inside his room.

"Go to sleep!" He yelled, frustrated again. Me and Al giggled.

I'm here! I'm finally here with them! I'm here and I'm not leaving. I smiled.

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