Chapter 3

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Erin's POV

"Oh yeah? And what might they be?" Harry asked me, a smirk evident on his face, "You don't know who I've ever dated, how many times I've had sex, how shit my life actually is, you know nothing about me Harry, you're just like everyone else, you're judging me based on my reputation" I stated, "What? Just like everyone does to me?" he asked, I thought about it, "I guess so, but this doesn't change anything, after tonight we go back to the way we have always been" I said, he nodded slyly.

"What time do you think it is?" I asked, "I really don't know, all I know Is I'm tired and hungry" he stated, "Me too, I might just sleep just now" I said, "You're really going to sleep here?" Harry asked in disbelief, "Why not? I'm tired and it doesn't look as though we're getting out of here any time soon, everyone will be gone" I said, he sighed, "This changes nothing" Harry said, "I ready said that Harry" I said chuckling slightly.

I was lying on the floor next to Harry, my head on his chest and his arm draped over my shoulders, "This is so weird" I mumbled, "What is?" he asked, "Being so....close to you" I stated, "Its kind of..comforting" I said, wait, what was I saying? Harry looked amused, "I, um, don't know what to say" I said chuckling at the awkward situation, as always, laughing at inappropriate moments was my specialty and I couldn't help it, "Why are you laughing? You're just after making an arse of yourself" Harry asked chuckling, "I always laugh in awkward situations, also at inappropriate moments" I said, he chuckled as I lay down again and tried to sleep, eventually winning the battle against my inner self and letting sleep take over my body.

"What the good gracious are you both doing in here?" a teacher asked, we both shot up, "Mr Burns forgot to come and get us last night after detention and we fell asleep I guess, he also took our phones" I said, "Oh come on, let's get you both your phones back and we'll send you home" she said smiling, I silently thanked god that she was a nice teacher, "Thank you Miss" Harry said, she smiled as we followed her to Mr Burns' class, the class we should be in right now, we both state outside the door, not wanting to start rumours, the nice teacher returned with out phones in hand and handed them to us, "Follow me to the office where you can sign out and go home and get real sleep and clean clothes" she said as we followed her, signing out and leaving.

"Shit" I cursed, "What's wrong?" Harry asked, "I get a bus to school, my car is at home and I have no way of getting home, I'm too tired to walk" I stated, he sighed, "Follow me" he said, I shot up, "Thank you" I said before getting in the passenger side of the car and telling Harry where I lived, 10 minutes later he pulled up outside my medium sized house, "Thank you for the ride Harry, and for not being an asshole while we were locked in school last night" I said chuckling as I got out the car and walked up my path, unlocking the door to be faced with silence.

I smiled as I walked in to be greeted with my husky puppy, he was only 12 weeks old and was named 'Ace' he was so cute, my father got me him, as part of his deal he made with me, if I don't tell my mum about his raping me he would get me anything I wanted, I never agreed to this deal but then he brought my little brother into it and for my family's sake I agreed. I loved my little brother was 2 years younger, making him 14 just now, after what my father done to me, I vowed I would make my little brother aware I how to treat a woman and how wrong it was to disrespect anyone.

"Hey Ace baby" I greeted the dog, I walked to my en suite bathroom and began running the bath when my phone rung, who could that be? My friends were at school and my mother rarely called, my brother was at my uncles for the week, I sighed and answered it while dipping in the bath and sighing in relaxation, "Hello?" I asked, "Its your mother, I got a call from the school about you being at home?" she said, of course she did, "Yeah, my asshole of a teacher left me in detention and forgot to come back for us" I said chuckling, normally most parents would be pissed off, not mine, they really didn't give a shit about me or my brother, I basically raised him while they went on 'business trips' but it was really just a vacation.

"Really? Okay well I just wanted to know, bye Erin see you soon" she said hanging up, not even an 'i love you' or nothing, thus proving my point even more.

I turned my music up full blast as my puppy came into the bathroom and wiggled his tail to the beat of the music, I chuckled as I lay back and relaxed, nothing was going to ruin this, nothing at all.

When I finally decided to come out and get dried and dressed, I wore black skinny jeans, black nike air max, a black t shirt and a black leather jacket, my fashion statement was rocky, I loved studs and everything like that, don't get me wrong I am a total girly girl but I love rock music and rocky clothes. I applied a small amount of make up and put my blonde-ish hair into a messy fishtail side plait and then grabbed Ace's lead and clipped it onto his collar before grabbing my phone, headphones and money and heading out the door for a long walk.

3 and a half miles into the 4 mile walk path, I was exhausted and stopped for a little bit, Ace was still as jumpy as usual and he was waiting patiently for me to continue walking, I did this walk at least once a day with Ace, usually it was after school or at night, before I went to sleep but sometimes I did it twice. I began walking again with my headphones in, occasionally singing along while I walked along the trail with Ace, I then realised I usually went to Rachel's once I got to the end of this path cause she stays there, but she was at school, and I was mad at her for telling people about my father raping me.

I sighed and decided I'd go to my uncles and see if Luke wants to come home and stay with me, yeah that's what I'll do. I continued walking until I came to the small store, telling me I was at the end of the path and I was back in town again, I tied up Ace for a second and went to buy a bottle of water for me and another one for Ace, I came out and drank my water before getting Ace and pouring water into his mouth which he gladly drank, yes be jealous I taught my dog to drink from a bottle. I giggled as some of the water went over his eyes and he scrunched his face up, he really was my baby.

I grabbed his lead and we went to uncle Phill's house, "Hey uncle Phill" I said hugging him, "Hey erin, Luke is at school you know" he said, I nodded, "I just came to ask if you think he'd be able to come home and stay with me until my parents get home? Its awfully lonely and I really do miss him? I'd call you like everyday" I said, he chuckled, "Erin, I'm not your father you don't have to give me every detail, when he comes home which should be in give minutes, we'll ask him if he wants to" Phill said, I smiled as we sat talking about everything, he asked why I wasn't at school and I told him about detention and the teacher forgetting about Harry and I.

"Hey Lukey" I said, "Erin!" he yelled, hugging me, "I see you missed me" I smirked, "Yes I did actually" he said, I smiled, we always had been close, "I was wondering if you wanted to come home and stay with me? Uncle Phill is okay with it as long as you want to come" I said, "Uncle Phill I love you but I'm going back okay?" Luke said, uncle Phill nodded as he went to get his stuff, "You're a great big sister" Uncle Phill said, "Thank you uncle Phi, love you" I said as we headed out the door, waving, Ace wagging his tail as he'd just been given loads of biscuits.

"We have to walk back you know" I said, "Can you get me a bottle of water then?" Luke asked, I nodded handing him the lead and going to big 2 bottles of water, one for me and one for Luke, Ace still had his left from the last trip to the shop, "Ready for this hell of a long walk home?" I asked, "Let's do this" Luke said as we began walking home, where we belonged, just the three of us, me, my baby brother and my baby puppy, I didn't need my father or mother, they obviously were too busy for us anyway considering they're always away out, I shrugged it off, realising they weren't worth it.

~I love you all very very much and I want you to know I'm here for you, inbox me if you need me~

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