Breaking Free

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I woke up sputtering and coughing. Was I actually awake? My neck felt stiff as I tried to look around. I looked down at my body, Its mine, its my body! I thought to myself as I felt my eyes feel heavy again. No please ive been asleep long enough...


I wonder if shes okay. How long will she be out? Will she come back? The thoughts kept spillimg their guts. I thought id be able to get out but ive been here before. I know whats here. I know that its gonna be hell when they find out. "Fuck.." I felt it coming up, reaching for my mouth I couldnt hold it. The flood gates opened and I was balling my head bumping against objects, puking until my throat was raw and my eyes were dry. I have to get out of here. I need her. She needs me..


I got the call at 3:45 A.M. "shes come around, she opened her eyes. Shes back. My mykies back aves.." I was so overwhelmed i felt my heart jump from my chest and land in my hands. After this im gonna kill her. She hurt me oh my god im gonna hurt her. I ran up the steps and jumped into the only clean jeans i had left and pulled on a hoodie and bolted down the steps. "Shit my shoes" I shoved my feet into my shoes and bolted out of the house. I didn't how far I had ran until I couldnt breathe and leaned up against the hospital doors. I coughed and heaved as I bolted in and tumbled against the nurses desk. "M-my sister-" "Avery! Oh good you're here" my dads voice sounded so sweet and its like my world started to brighten up as he drug me along the corridors to my sisters room. It felt like ages as she laid there with her eyes closed. I knew she'd come back. She left so mich behind but I knew she wouldn't stay away. I needed her and she needed me.


My throat was on fire and my body felt like a million tiny bugs were crawling all over it. What a great welcome home present.. My head swam as I felt the light seeps through my slitted eye lids. This is it. Im home. Im finally home and god am I thrilled..

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