Chapter 39 - Amaltheia

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Chapter 39 - Amaltheia

We had been walking for hours.

"Sirius let's make a stop please! I'm like dying of thirst over here" I said putting my hands on my knees and panting

Sirius has breathing heavily but apparently the tiredness did't stop him "c'mon Maye! if you keep like that I'll leave you" he shouted

"It's ok! Let me here to die of thirst and hunger" I called sitting on a rock nearby

Sirius finally stopped "Maye please, I'm trying to save my brother here, make some effort for me"

"Sirius, I get it but this forest is endless we've been walking for almost ten hours and I haven't slept or eat since today- or yesterday- morning" I said

"we're losing the goat! It won't stop walking" Sirius said frustrated

"It's ok, you can go, just be sure to come back later for me" I said and started cudduling in the rock

Sirius shighed and rubbed his forhead "Come on" he said lifting me up and putting me in his shoulder I was now facing his stomach and he started walking

"Put me down I feel uncomfortable" I said pulling And hitting his hard stomach (but I wouldn't admit that to him)

"Seriously? I try to help you and you hit me?" Sirius said

"Well I'm sorry for being mad at you for disturbing my atempt of sleeping" I retorted

"Sleep there on my shoulder" he said

"I'm sorry to break it to you brother...but you smell like you've used that shirt for one year without washing it...which is most likely" I said

"Ignore the smell" He said

"It's harder than it sounds" I mummbled

I finally closed my eyes and drifred to sleep...and as always, I had a dream

I was infront ot a white manson, I slowly walked forward and entered the house, I heard some noise on a room upstairs so I climbed the stairs and entered quietly to the room

There on top of her bed was Regina discussing something with someone infront of her, whom I think was Ashley

"Do you really think they're comming?" Asked Regina

"Positive, Will's got the message and the other two are being guided here, courtesy of my mother's powers" Ashley grinned

"I don't know...this seems wrong" Regina said

"Don't tell me you're turning into one of them! After all they did to mother?" Ashley gasped offended

"I'm just saying I think that--" Regina started

"I can't believe you! Regina Wilson are you serious?" Ashley asked

Regina staied silent "Wait" Ashley said putting a finger on her lips "I feel something"

Panicked I pressed miself to the wall and Ashley walked forward getting closer to me

Suddenly Ashley turned to me and said "Maye, are you awake" but it wasn't Ashley's voice at all it ws Sirius's

I woke with a start, clutching my heart I panted "Sirius! You scared me!" I hit him playfully in the arm

Sirius laughed "the goat has finally come to a stop, it's sleeping back there" he pointed a small house made out of wood "I got some food, want some?" he asked raising his hand to show a dead rabbit

I gaped discusted at him "oh my gosh Sirius! That's gross" I pinched my nose

"That's all we've got" he shrugged

"We shouldn'te be far from the city...where exactly in New Mexico are we?" I asked

"something named Alabrukookie?, I don't remember It was the first option on the list of the plane I picked by luck...I guess Ashley is a clue that I picked right" Sirius said

"Albuquerque, New Mexico...I've heard about this, I guess you got lucky" I said "for now" I muttered the last part

Sirius didn't seem to hear because he stood up and flied a little high to see something "I see a city! It's not far...maybe a ten minute walk from here" he shouted to me

I summoned the winds to take me up to where he was "who said we had to walk?" I smirked mishcheviously

"what about the goat?" Sirius complained

"let it rott there, we can make our own way toward your brother" I said

"And how is that?" He asked

"I think I have a clue of where they could be" I said moving forward to where the city was, Sirius did too

We got safe and sound to what seemed to be downtown "what now? Where are we supposed to go?" Sirius whispered discretly in my ear

"I don't see how Will and Helen will get here on boat, there is no sea nor ocean close here, so I guess they'll have to walk or use the plane" I said "but we have to find any drachmas?"

Sirius searched in his pocket "bingo!" he said handing me the drachma "I think I have another one somewhere in my pockets..." he searched

"It's ok, one's enough" I approached the fountain and looked around, there were not much people...but still "We have to look like we're talking to eachother and not to the fountain, or else someone will suspect something ok?" I said

I flipped the coin and it dissolved into the water "Oh Iris accept this offering, show me..." who should I call? Will? Helen? Trevor?

"Show me Trevor...what was his last name?" I whispered to Sirius

"Hunter" he whispered back

"show me Trevor Hunter" I said, the water shimmered and there was Trevor passed out, tied to a chair in what seemed to be a closet, I gasped and looked over to Sirius...and did he looked mad

"TREVOR!" he shouted trying to wake him up...miraculosly, it worked...I guess it was his lucky day...or not

Trevor opened his eyes with a start instantly after he heard Sirius


A/N: First of all:


Ok, ok I'm calmed, well not really but whatever...second of all:

What do you think will happen with Trevor hmm?

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Lots of Love,

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