Chapter 5

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I had finally managed to drive myself home without crashing my car into a tree. But honestly, that would've been the least of my worries at the moment. Every time I managed to get myself to stop crying, I would only burst into tears shortly thereafter. I didn't get out of the car to go into the house right away. I needed to get my emotions somewhat under control. My fourteen year old sister was in there and I'm positive this was hurting her as much as it was me. She was so young yet and I knew she was probably a bigger emotional wreck than I was. I was sure that if I went in there a blubbering mess, it would only make this harder for her.

"Pull yourself together, Julianna." I whispered to myself in my car. "Andres is fine...Andres is fine." I repeated this out loud over and over until it started to make me feel slightly better. After I managed to get my emotions under control and my tears at bay, I finally got out of the car. Both of my parents' cars were in the driveway. I slowly walked up to the house and grasped the door handle gently. I could hear the quiet conversation between Jana and my mom from where I stood. I let out a deep breath before opening the door.

As soon as I shut the door behind me, the talking in the other room came to an abrupt stop. A few moments later my mom walked into the entry way from the living room. She looked utterly sorrowful and tears stained her cheeks. She didn't say anything; she didn't have to. I hurried over to her and embraced her in a tight hug. We both broke down in tears again. A little bit after that I broke out of the hug and looked up into her deep, tear filled brown eyes.

"We'll find him." I assured her; my voice wavering just a bit. Those three words were the only thing my family desperately needed to hear right now; and I hoped and prayed they were the truth. I looked over at Jana in the living room sitting on the sofa. She wasn't crying; she was just staring blankly down at the mug in her hands. She didn't look up at me as I walked into the living room and sat down on the sofa next to her. Mom walked into the kitchen after I sat down. I figured she was going to let Jana and I talk alone. I heard her open the basement door and make her way down the stairs. Jana and I sat there in silence for a few moments.

"You really think we'll find him?" Finally breaking the silence, she looked over at me and met my eyes. I could see the little bit of hope in hers. I couldn't promise anything of course, but for the moment I had to.

"Definitely." I told her with a reassuring smile. I saw her let out a subtle sigh of relief. It made me feel a lot better knowing she took comfort in that. "Besides, you know how tough the Mercado's are." I grinned.

She let out a small giggle. "Yeah, we are," a teasing tone in her voice. "I just don't think Andres is that tough."

I laughed. "No, I don't think he is either." Andres never really got into working out or cared much about having the 'ideal male body'. He was more of the shy, nerdy type of guy with a heart of gold. That didn't mean we didn't tease him when he had to have Gabi open pickle jars for him though. "Remember that time when Gabi was about ten and beat Andres at arm wrestling?"

The genuine laugh she let out made me smile. "Yes," a wide smile a spreading across her face at the memory. "You'd think as a fourteen year old boy you'd feel a little insecure about your little sister being stronger than you." The two of us laughed together for a few moments. It was much needed relief from the situation at hand.

"Do you know why I was late getting home from work tonight?" I asked with a grin on my face. "And why my clothes are stained?" I figured since the mood was already light, might as well make it lighter.

"No," She replied instantly with excitement in her eyes. "What did you do?"

I let out a sigh and hung my head in embarrassment. "I ran into a shelf of creamers and splattered them all over the floor and on me." Jana let out a loud, hysterical laugh. I frowned at her. "And the worst part was that I did it in front of a really hot guy." I added. Her amusement at my misfortune continued as she kept laughing without taking a breath; she gripped her side in pain.

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