don't you dare leave me

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Dean ran out the room slamming and throwing anything and everything

Wooh Dean

Dean what the

Dean grabbed his jeans put a hoody over His body and raced out the door followed by seth and roman

What's going on?

Renee... They found that there was iternal bleeding inside her brain and had to perform an emergency operation long story short she may not pull though she's already relapsed during surgery

Hey shh

"It's okay come on we will get there"


Dean arrives at the hospital not waiting and stormed over to the desk Renee piquette I need to know where she is!

She's been in surgery for 5 hours I can't tell you anything else

Dean cursed then heads to the surgery area

"Dean dear"

Where'd he go

"He left this morning I kicked him out I mean who does he think he is" Dean hugs the woman then the blue lights started flashing and more surgeons headed for the room

"Renee!!" Dean called and runs in as they were Trying to restart her heart again


You should not be in here sir

"And just wait to be told that you couldn't save her screw that"

"Renee Renee don't you dare leave me I need you Renee!! Please"
After 10 minutes
They called it

"Nooooo!!!!" "You keep going!" I sware

"I'm sorry!!"

Dean ran over to the table for once in his life he poured with tears as he held her "you are my everything we had a future together I finally found my good in life you! Changed my life you were my soulmate... I loved you so damn much but you obviously didn't love me as much!"

... that's bullshit I know... I just wish I had gave you this sooner" pulls out the ring....

"Dean! Dean!!"

"Yo Wake up man!"

Dean sturred

"We are at the hospital man!"


Flashback to wrestlemania 2014

The shield dominate defeat over the wyatt family

Okay guys your main lines for the interview with Renee

"Hmm my Renee!" Dean pats himself as they head over

Renee waltz over
Yeah the best faction in the world today one tonight! "And I'm dating the hottest one" Dean laughed picking her up by her back lower area and her wrapping her arms round him both getting caught in the steamy moment

"haha well I was wondering when you were going to say screw the rules of professionalism" the two departed Dean drops her back down as the two laugh Renee a little red

"Congratulations guys can I keep your mask

"Hmm sure"

"Maybe you can wear that tonight" she hints she then gets him to lean so she could whisper "just the mask" Dean grinned

Okay Renee shield you guys ready

I'm here with the shield not even a few seconds in after seths promo line Dean decided to play around with Renee a bit

Let me ask you a question okay she blushes does it look like we are sweating
No but your hairs very wet they were both trying to outdo each other and it results in Dean being dumbfounded
It's just humid in here... We didn't have to break a sweat against the new age outlaws and kane and seth gave his cackle laugh they all finally finished what would be the most funniest interview of the yea

Once the cameras stopped rolling
"You cheeky Mare trying to outsmart me"

"She didn't try she did"

She smiled as she pressed her lips onto him "it's definitely going to get very humid tonight Dean was now giddy as ever as seth laughed

End flashback

Dean walking over to ms p " hey... where's he go"

"I sent him packing this morning he has no rights here at all"

Dean felt his heart raving was the dream foretelling seth and roman walked over to them

What happend

Sighed I'm sorry...

"Mr Ambrose would you like to see her" Dean felt a waterful of tears fall down his face as did seth and roman

Mr Ambrose...

"I don't know if I can say goodbye..." I would have done anything to make her happy if only I had kept her safer!"

Seth smiles widely then looks at Dean

"I wish I had got the chance to ask her" holding the ring out I'm going to... say gulps goodbye now

This way they go to the next door
Ain't they meant to be transferred to the..

Only when they have passed on yes

... Dean walks into the room the tears reformed quickly
As he sees two beautiful brown eyes starring at him and her holding a giant cookie

"Got ya"

Dean was now in hysterics "you evil woman" he ran over as they both flung their arms round one another gosh "I've missed you so much my love"

"... she looks up at him I heard those beautiful story's about how we began I forgot some moments"

I thought you might have just thought screw her coma body I can find someone...

Never... you have my heart renee nobody can ever take you spot... ever..

Story Of Us (Continuing)Where stories live. Discover now