shorts of the past

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2 months since reconciling with his mom dean had let go of their past although, he was not ready to fully start again it was a big step for him.

It was the last monday night raw until summerslam and just like wrestlemania week it would be a crazy week of promoting not just the ppv but the new wwe game and just promoting the company both dean and renee were booked solid renee would be doing the bully campaigns panels while dean would be meeting people going to famous city landmarks and doing live events

Renee was at the make up area with summer and pagie discussing their scheduals

"Hey so im free wensday morning to do breakfast" summer shared

Okay it will have to be early as i have the first be a star rally at 11

"Okay then"

Miss my foxy shes sick

"Really is she not suppose to be going to the hospice with dean tommorrow morning before smackdown and to kick off summerslam week" renee recalled having her and dean gone through the week scedual saterday (over facetime as he was at a live event) "is someone going with him?"

"Im a big boy i can go all by myself" dean distinguished as he walked over with cesaro

"Ahh i was just coming to see you about that" stephanie greeted dean

Cesaro takes the hint and heads off in which summer and pagie move

Renee was about to follow when steph halts her "i would like to ask you something"

Off course

"As you already know alicia wont be joining you tommorrow i was suggesting if you could take her place renee i mean you both travel together anyway, im sure your both more comfortable with one another"

Im alright with that dean winks at renee

"Off course ill go" renee volunteered

Fantastic i saw dean with the little girl last monday your cousin right renee

"Yeah it was her third birthday"

"All good with me i gotta dash roman and i have a promo to practice on" dean excused himself

"Steph..." she returns a warming smile to let renee continue "Im a little nervous about the hospice its crazy but ive never been to the kids unit i"

Steph embraced her with a motherly hug "you will be fine she says soothingly "i know once you step in their youll be so comfortable you wont wanna leave" she whispers before realeasing her

Thanks steph

"Plus youll have dean" steph says

"Yeah i do..." renee smiled

Next morning in town for smackdown dean and renee in the car to the hospice

It had been silence since they left

"Dean the first time you went to a hospice do you remember?"

"Hmm good question? err sometime during the uk tour um 2 years ago, joe made me practice with jojo, being the second time i visited roman and his mrs in pensacola there was alot of beach walks and tee partys, so I took the tea party and changed it to creating kids own wwe belts. The best part was i was with my brothers... dont worry baby i wont leave ya there ill be two steps in front of ya or behind ya" he replies softly

"Beach walks with roman huh we havent done that yet" renee brought up dean chuckled lightly
"He lives right on the beach new york not so much vegas best views ever i promise you a walk along the beach"

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