shield sister in law

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Seth and roman walked in smiles form as they soon walk in to see Dean laying on the bed with one arm round a wide eyed Renee

"Hey there babygirl" roman spoke softly Renee smiled

"You've been terribly missed" Seth says

I noticed pointing at 80 soft teddy's and a 5 bouquets of flowers "maybe I should just..."

"Oh no your not... your stick with me for life" Dean declared Renee beamed


"That was a cruel trick sweetheart "

"Yeah Dean smashed the hotel up" roman chuckled

"He also smells of alcohol"

"Uh... We all do" roman says just not as much as Dean

I've never missed the sound of your voice as much as I have the last 3 weeks

3 weeks.!.. talking smack! my unfiltered show!... total divas...

"Haha that finished before that" seth tells her as Dean laid her back down

not been the same without you either roman adds

"You still need to rest... I've only just got you back" Dean softly told her as he placed his forehead on hers

Renee sighed "okay"

"When did you wake up"

"The minute he left this morning"

Why what did he do that he hadn't done

Nothing but I found this when I woke up shows them the book

"... I.. It was just..."

"The most romantic thing you could have ever done you wrote so many memories in here some I couldn't really remember like the first night I came to Vegas you had your little bar and we took a drive in the middle of nowhere and climbed the mountin so we could lay and watch the stars it was lovely" Renee reminced and our stay at Romans home the week after summerslam 2014 age yawns

Save your energy dean says and kisses her forehead

"We will be outside" seth and roman

"I'm sorry I scared you"

"I was more scared you would forget me"

"Hmm I'm going to try that tomorrow then you can be all loving and romantic" she hints

19th 10.45am

"Why was we not told!" Was the first thing both Dean and Renee heard from outside..

Renee sat up a little and smiled

"You didn't!" Dean sniggered

Seeing who would be the first to show up
"I won"

"Play along please..."

"Hmm very cruel" Dean got up and put on the water works

"I get a text a 6am that My best friend didn't make it!" Where the hell is she

Yikes... Dean looked at Renee

"Good luck pulling this off...." she says

Dean walks down the hall


All the divas were crying some of the superstars were too...

What happend...

They said she was okay

Are you okay

Why didn't you save her!! Summer screamed at the desk of at least three doctors petrified roman and seth looked over to Dean and nods

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