vince's warning

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The day after wrestlemania 30 seth dean and roman all got an email to meet with vince at 2 that day

"Anyone do something outside the ring that neither one of us know" roman question

"Nope" both seth and dean defensivly

"What do you think hes gonna want us to do that we will step in and go terrible idea?" Dean smirked

"As long as we never lose to cena as a unit and the rest of the year ill listen" seth announced

"True that" dean exclaimed connecting his fist with rollins

4.00pm 4 hours later at monday night raw in the office with vince randy batista hunter and a few director guys all had been in there for 40 minutes listening to vince

"So what do you guys reckon?"

All 3 shield members turned to the other three guys

"We like it!" They answered together


"So this is like cementing our names right" roman questioned

You almost have but theres a man whos got the perfect saying

To be the man... you gotta beat the man

"Im in im so in lets do this" seth expressed eagerly

"Haha one in all in" roman adds

"What they said!" Dean chuckled

Great the storyline begins... tonight with you three firing the first shot

"We like!"

Evolution leave and the shield start to follow

"Oh youll also have a quick in ring interview with Renee ill give you a hint you want evolution to believe in the shield" vince adds

"Great" dean answered

"dean can i have a word with you alone" dean looks at seth and roman 'good luck' they mouthed and scurried out the room dean shut the door and sat back in the chair

"Feels like im in school again for fighting back" dean spoke

Yeah it does have a school feel to it what do you suggest

A nice rug...  yeah oh and hot tub
Vince smiled a hot tub

"Yeah can have it in the corner there have a nice drink oh but thats for after the show" dean rambled on about the hot tub soon vinces laughing

Outside the room about 4 feet away were seth roman cesaro and randy they could here the loud convulsive laughter coming from vince

Guess hes a smooth talker not just with the ladies but with vince too
"Whoes in there with my dad" steph wandered up to the door with renee

"That would be dean"

With Vince and Dean

Vince now controlling himself

Any who i just want to congratulate you over 300 days as champion

"Thank you sir"

Someone knocks

"Come in"
Renee walks in slowly

"You wanted to see me sir?" Renee asked lightly

"Oh sneaky" dean proped

"Yes! and yes come sit down" vince responded

Renee takes a seat by dean

"So this company is more like a big family and in my company especially nowadays two members of my roster would connect romantically." vince hinted renee grabbed deans arm who in return takes her hand in his soothingly 
"But when that happens it can either be a blessing and find your soulmate or a curse that can lead to big consequenses for whatever the reason it doesnt work out. Due to reasons things can get messy and with you two i dont want that for either of you, your both hardworkers. Dean i dont need to list your attributes and renee i can see big things in your future here. Do you think your relationship would get in the way of that??"

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