My dyslexia is when words move around and mine hand writing is dire.
(to be honest I blame the hand writing on my primy school teachers) so you guys can properly guess how much of a pain not being able to read is. First I can't even read most of the work put on this App and when I look back at my own work I can't even read it. And well don't get me started on the handwriting there's a reason why I use apps to create books and not handwrite myself.
it's not all bad being dyslexic as our brain is is different to what people call normal. your area what deals with reading and writing is bigger then ours but The other part of your brain that is use to remember stuff is smaller in comparison. Why you asker? because our brains focus more on remembering thing then anything else and it has been proven the dyslexic brain thinks things twice over automatically before doing anything else.
Finally the speech everyone has problems pronouncing words funny enough dyslexia is One of the most misspelled words. It's because someone became a Smart arse and decided to try to make our life Hell. You know what this is what I think is for process was ' let's throw in a Y and x just so they can't even spell what they have that will make their life difficult' I bet you this person is still laughing to this day when they see/hear a Dyslexic person trying to spell Dyslexia.
I hope you're happy!!!😡😡
Also dyslexic people see life and the world in a different way and are sometimes more creative then what people call normal people so there are some pluses but there are some negatives.

A View Of Life Through Dyslexia Eyes
Non-FictionA view in to a Dyslexic life and the pros and cons