Chapter 5-Musician's Block's Ass Got Kicked

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Chapter 5-Musician's Block's Ass Got

"um...Miss, do you want to order?"  you hear a voice and you look up to see the waitress waiting for you to tell her your order. 

"um, Yes,  a hot choc-" you stop yourself as images of your chocolate-dipped essay come to your mind, "Actually tea will be just fine"  you tell her with a smile. 

At least if tea falls on your paper- which you hope it doesn't- you might be able to save it, opposing to the chocolate drink. 

​​​​​​"What flavor would you like?" she politely asks you. 

​​"Surprise me!" You tell her with a grin, she smiles and leaves after muttering a 'be right back'. 

When she turns around you get back to writing lyrics, you decide to look over at what you have written;

'Don’t think of anything

Don’t say anything, not even a word

Just give me a smile

I still can’t believe it

All of this seems like a dream

Don’t try to disappear

Is it true Is it true
You You'

And now you're stuck again. 

"Fuck" you mutter under your breath as you forcefully place your pen down. 

​​​​​​You lean back and close your eyes for a few seconds, after you open them you look outside the window at the awful weather. 

It kind of makes you feel sad and...  nostalgic? Why would you feel nostalgic? And why would the rain make you feel sad? 

​​​​​​You like the rain, it always gives you a reason to stay in your house, curl up under your covers and catch up on your favorite shows or read a good book, while you drink tea and be all cozy. 

However, you feel like something is missing. 

​​​​​​What could possibly be missing? You haven't done anything different on rainy days so that you should feel nostalgic about it. 

Then your eyes snap back to the cute couple and you realize how nice it would be to spend a rainy day with someone you share a romantic connection with.

​​​​​​Descriptions of romantic rainy days you've read in books flash across your mind and you feel the emptiness and loneliness sink in your stomach. 

Wow! Hold up there! Wait a second. Are you actually thinking how it would be to have a boyfriend? To actually live those moments you've read in so many books about? Well, damn right you are. 

But...what... What If... 

What if you do get into a relationship with someone,  you actually have those moments with him, whoever might the lucky one be to own your heart, wouldn't it make you happy?  You let yourself smile at the thought of having someone to do all those cringy yet romantic things you've been denying the idea of needing.


What happens if that person betrays you? What happens if his just fooling around with you? What If he's just around you because your a hard nut to crack open and when he succeeds and you surrender yourself to him,  he loses interest in you and simply abandons you but taks along your heart with him?

What if you turn out to be the one that doesn't want to be with him anymore and you have to break his heart because of your own selfishness? 

And once again, your emotions are simply matching with the weather, one moment you're feeling happy, cheery and maybe ready to open the door to your love life, but the other moment your feeling scared, closed off, locking the door and throwing the key as far away as possible or to the deepest oceans that exist. 

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