Chapter 83- Small Car

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"Are you guys ready?" Mrs. Park asks when she returns to the living room where everyone is seated and waiting to leave.

"We're only waiting for you, mom," JiHyun says with his eyes locked on YeoWol's phone who apparently is playing a very interesting and attention-eating game.

But indeed, JiHyun is correct; Everyone is prepared; You and Jimin refreshed yourselves from your hangover state, got dressed up and came downstairs to sit with the two younger ones and Mr. Park who already where there. The only one missing was Mrs. Park.

"Oh, let's go then," Mrs. Park smiles and walks towards the door as everyone else gets up and follows behind her.

"How are we all going to fit in the old car?" Jimin asks after the important detail strikes his mind, "We're six people."

"Six people can fit in there," Mr. Park's voice sounds, "You might be a little bit cramped in the back but you can manage until we reach the beach."

"Beach?" Jimin's voice sounds again, "We're going to the beach?"

"Do you not want to go there?" Mrs. Park asks as she reaches the car they are going to use to drive to the beach. It's rather small and it definitely looks old- better yet, it is old, not enough to be called vintage but still quite close. Of course, this isn't the automobile Mr. Park uses daily. His every-day basis-which is in a much better condition than this- is currently in the repair shop and he won't be getting until two days later, so the 'old car' is the only solution at the moment.

"No, it's fine," Jimin shrugs it off as he shoves his hands in his pockets suddenly recalling last night's event at the beach.

A tingly feeling washes over his lips as he finds himself thinking about the kiss he exchanged with you.

Did it even really happen?

He thinks as he furrows his eyebrows frustrated with his own thoughts. Was that image and this feeling real or is it all made up by his subconscious? Could it be a dream he had in his deep sleep or a real memory?

He sure hopes it was all just a random creation of his drunken mind. He doesn't want such complications with you right now. And mostly that's what he believes since you showed no signs of remembering such actions taking place between the two of you, so he deems it right to not mention it. Ever.

Yet, again, if all this is just a mere fantasy, why in the world does it feel so real to him?

"Hey," Jihyun's voice snaps him out of his train of thought, "Get in I want to sit by the window."

"What?" Jimin looks at him disturbed when he notices that no one is standing outside anymore; His parents, You, even YeoWol are all in the car.

"Just get in! It's not a long ride anyway," his father says from the driver's seat and Jimin sighs getting into the car and finding himself sitting next to you.

"Hey, I need more space than that, you think I'm a chopstick to fit here?" JiHyun's annoyed voice sounds as he comes to your vision.

"Are you on your period or something? Why are you so mean?" Jimin retorts as he pushes you more against you to make more space for Jihyun.

"Hey! Both of you calm down!" Mrs. Park's voice sounds from the passenger's seat as she tries to stop the two bickering brothers.

"Sorry, mom," they both mutter as JihHyun finally gets in the car and closes the door with a slam.

"Everyone okay?" Mr. Park asks before he roars the engine to life, "YeonWol? Y/N?"

"uum," You squeak, "We're cool."

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