Chapter 14- Dance Studio

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"Please, as you leave hand over your works on the Human D.N.A" Your lecturer says before every student in the amphitheater gets up to leave. 

You jump out of your seat and run to the man's desk, holding your file close to your chest like it's dear life,

"Here,"  you say out of breath, your seat is pretty far from your professor's desk. 

"woah, Hold your horses," he says, taken aback at your sudden appearance in front of his face, "It's not like you're going to lose your paper from a distance of a few meters" he chuckles and takes the file in his hands. 

You simply laugh, thinking your professor is only trying to be funny when in all honesty his sentence can not be more wrong. Many things can happen in the distance of a few feet.

​​​​​​"The irony, huh?" you hear a familiar voice and you turn around to see Cody, wearing his glasses. 

What is he doing here? This course is in Korean not English, and as far as you know he doesn't know any Korean. 

"What are you doing here?" you ask looking at him confused. It's not that you are not pleased to see him, it's just weird. Why would he take this course if he doesn't understand at least one third out of the things the professor is saying. 

"I'm in this course too,  I thought you knew... " he trails off and follows as you head back to your seat to take your stuff. 

"But... It's in Korean... And you don't speak Korean... Do you?" You ask as you put your books in your backpack. 

"That... May... Or may not have been a tiny lie to get you more interested in me..." he responds to you in Korean and flashes you a big grin. 

You find yourself laughing because you don't know how to respond, he lied to you, but from the perspective you're looking at it,  for an unknown and stupid reason, it seems cute,

"So you lied to me?"  you say pretending to be hurt. 

​​​​​​"Sorry..." he hangs his head in embarrassment and pouts. 

"Shame on you!" you continue playfully and you both burst out laughing. 

"Hey, love birds, go get a room!" says an unknown elder voice.

You look to the source of this voice and see it's the janitor, this man is the grumpiest man you've ever seen. 

​​​​​​"W-we're not--" You are about to explain that your only friends with Cody but the janitor cuts you off. 

"I don't care what are, you just get out, I need to clean" he says making his voice even more strict. 

"Okay..." You mumble and walk towards the exit with Cody following you.

The moment you step out you see NamJoon and Eun-bi waiting outside. What the hell?  Don't they have their own courses? 

"Guys?" you ask confused. 

"Hello!!!" NamJoon greets and slightly bows along with Eun-bi.  

You do so as well, and Cody copies your movements. 

"What are you doing here?" You ask with a smile and all four of you follow the direction that leads to the bus station near the University. 

"Well, you said that you're done with the song and I wanted to ask you when you're free to meet up with me and Yoongi, so, we can see it and you can see the other three," NamJoon explains. 

​​​​​​"Oh, okay, I'm free now, if you want" you say and Cody speaks right after you.

"Wait you guys write songs?" He says surprised. 

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