Abused #13

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I slowly walked into History class with Scott and Stiles, I took a seat biting my lip as my dad.. AKA Mr Harris stared at me. Let's just say this morning was a bit..Painful.

"Does everyone have their homework?" He questioned standing up. I closed my eyes staring at my table remembering I left it on the side at home. "Y/N I see you don't have your homework with you. Detention" I sighed and nodded.

I quickly walked out of my last lesson being stopped by Stiles. "You're not actually going to this detention are you?" He laughed and I nodded feeling my heart race and Scott looked confused.

"I-I have to go" I stuttered quickly running off. I took a deep breath and opened the door to find my dad with a frustrated expression. I coughed quietly catching his attention and he smirked.

"Hm how should I punish you?" He questioned walking over to me, I could feeling my heart race quicker. His hand collided with my cheek, why does this have to happen at school? I asked myself closing my eyes. "God y/n you're such a worthless little girl. Can't even remember her homework"

"I-I'm sorry.." I croaked sobbing quietly. "Please stop PLEASE " I screamed as he slapped me again.

"Worthless pathetic girl.. you're not my daughter! Nobody wants you!" He laughed but the door opened, I shuffled back as I saw my boyfriend..

"D-Derek" I managed to croak out as he turned his head to see me with a swollen cheek. He ran over to me despite my fathers yells for him to leave me alone. He huffed walking away.

"Baby are you okay?" His eyes filled with worry and I nodded slightly. I groaned in pain as I felt a stinging sensation in my side where I had a bruise. I cried as I crouched forward. "SCOTT" Scott quickly ran into the room crouching in front of me.

"I-it hurts" I sobbed trying to breathe feeling the pain get stronger. I felt Scott's hand on my side and the pain slowly faded. "Thank you" I whispered as he removed his hand and smiled at me.

"Come on darling let's just go back to mine okay? We're going to keep you safe" Derek kissed my cheek picking me up, I felt my eyes shut as he put me into Stiles' jeep as he drove us all back to his loft. "I love you so much princess" I heard my boyfriend whisper before kissing my cheek covering me up with a blanket before darkness took over my body.

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