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What is the point in life anymore. You live and then you die. What is my purpose in life? For everyone to hate me? I guess I'm just the pathetic girl everyone hates.

"Fuck sake Y/N! How could you mess something as important as this up?!" Derek screamed at me as we stood in the bedroom. By now tears were slipping out of my eyes one by one. "You're hopeless! Do you realise you could have got us all killed?!"

I didn't say a word I just stood staring at my feet, every part of me felt guilty and my heart broke. I thankfully managed to block his harsh words wiping my eyes. He brushed past me leaving me to sulk feeling worse than I've ever felt.

I slid to the ground sobs leaving my mouth echoing through the quiet house, I've never felt more alone than right now.. I guess it's time to take the pain away. I jumped up searching the bathroom for the one thing I live for.. My small silver razor.

I forced myself to bring the razor across my wrist, I screamed in pain as I watched the blood ooze out of my wrist to my fingers. I instantly felt sick to my stomach but a smile appeared on my face as I started to feel a little lightheaded. It was finally time, I would be out of everyone's lives, everyone will be happy.

I felt my eyes get heavy until the door opened. A mutter of no's leaving someone's mouth.. Derek's. "Baby no.." I heard him whisper as he ran over to me. He held me in his arms before picking me up, as we got to the hospital my eyes started to close. "Don't you dare leave me Y/N please"

Derek's POV:

Y/Ns in a coma and she has been for awhile. Every day I've been visiting her just hoping she would wake up.. it's been at least 2 weeks since she cut and I miss her more than anything. I sat by her bed holding her cold hand kissing her knuckles gently.

"Come on baby you need to wake up please, we all miss you. I miss you" I croaked, she looks so beautiful. "I can't do this without you Y/N please wake up for me" I whispered. I noticed Melissa walk in giving me a small smile.

"Why don't you go home and rest Derek? You're welcome to come back tomorrow." I didn't want to leave but I know if I didn't I would just break even more. I smiled as I walked past her going home. I saw Peter sat on his laptop when he looked up.

"How's she doing?" You could see the broken look in his eyes, she was like family to him as if Y/N and I were married. I laughed at the thought that ran through my head and he gave me a confused look. I just shrugged it off.

"She's okay I think. No sign of her waking up though" I sighed sitting down resting my head in my hands. "This is all my fault" I muttered.

"No it's not Derek. She chose to do what she did and she had many reasons okay? That argument you both-well everything you said to her didn't cause this" Peter sighed trying to convince himself when even he agrees it was my fault.

"I just wish I could take it back.." He nodded not really knowing what to say. "I'm going bed" I muttered walking upstairs where I could be alone. I grabbed my phone reading through Y/N and I's messages and I smiled.

I decided it's best to get some sleep although my mind wouldn't allow me to close my eyes. Every time I did I could picture Y/N laying on the floor in a pool of blood. If only I never ran out.

Here I was again sat next to my girlfriends bed talking to her trying to get her to wake up. I'm never giving up I believe she will wake up no matter what everyone else says. I was again holding her hand talking to her as if she was awake, kind of like our late night conversations where we would talk until she fell asleep.

I felt my eyes droop shut as it was nearly midnight. With a lot of pleading I was allowed to stay the night. I rested my head on the bed, I couldn't bring myself to sleep, I'm absolutely shattered but I can't sleep without her. I haven't had a proper sleep for a month. This is how long it's been.

A whole month without my Princess. They said if she doesn't wake up soon they're gonna take her off life support, she can't leave me everyone knows I can't live without her. She's my everything. She helps me through life, she's my anchor just like Allison was to Scott.

She can't leave me like Allison left Scott. Y/N is my everything and if she leaves me I might as well leave Beacon Hills there will be too many painful memories. I heard footsteps behind me. "What are you doing here?" I questioned Stiles who was stood by the door.

"I came to see how Y/N was going" He shrugged and I just nodded. "So what's happening?"

"They said if she doesn't wake up soon they're gonna take her off life support, they don't really have any hope of her surviving. The cuts were pretty deep" I don't think that's the only reason she's in a coma though.

"What you gonna do?" I just shrugged looking at the floor.

"I honestly don't know Stiles. Half of me knows I need to let her go. She's not coming back." I croaked biting my lip. "But the other half knows I have to keep trying"

"She'll wake up Derek, just have hope." I just nodded. He finally left giving me some privacy.

~~~~Time Skip~~~
A month today since Y/N died. A month today since she was taken off life support and a whole month since my princess left me.

I refused to get out of bed even though it was the day we were going to visit my loved ones grave. My eyes were swollen and I could barely see anything but I had to push myself to do this.

I bought Y/N favourite flowers making my way to the cemetery where Stiles, Scott, Lydia and Malia were stood in a flood of tears. I slowly walked over trying to hold everything in but I gave up trying to be strong.

"Hey" I croaked standing next to them. Malia hugged me crying into my shoulder as Lydia hugged Stiles. I looked at Scott who sat with a broken expression. He didn't move an inch.

We stayed silent for a few minutes before I placed the flowers on her gravestone and coughed. "She's proud of you guys you know" I smiled and they returned that smile. We sat talking for awhile before it started raining.

Everyone left as I stood alone just talking to Y/N for at least an hour before deciding it was best to leave.

I often go to visit Y/N once in awhile, sometimes alone or with the pack. She'll never be forgotten she'll live in our hearts for eternity.

"I love you Y/N sleep well beautiful" I let another tear leave my eye before walking away.

Fuckkkkk I'm crying :(

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