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Caleb's P.O.V

I'm so excited aaahhh! I am finally going to see Brian in a swimsuit! I pace my room, trying to find my speedo, but it's no where to be found. Sadly, I go to my drawers and pick out my Sponge Bob swimming trunks, change, and make my way towards the car. I get to the pool and there he is.....DAAAMMNNNN IS HE THIN. Almost thinner than me and I am a fucking pencil.
"H-hey Brian, you look....nice," I tried to hide my obvious attraction to him but that's kinda impossible.
"Thanks Cay, you don't look so bad yourself," He winked at me and jumped in the pool. Wait....HE FUCKING WINKED AT ME OMG WHAT DOES THIS MEAN. I need to stop pondering about this. He's probably just playing. I look over and see Brian staring at me with a come hither motion. I jump in the pool.
"How may I help you this fine evening," I spoke with a poshy accent.
"By racing me possibly?" That damn bastard challenged me....he knows how competitive my bitch ass is.
"FINEEEE.....1.2.3 GO!" I manage to scream as I jet ahead of him in a wild fury. I make it to the end first, while Brian was a close second, he still lost. We spent all day having fun with our friends and it was time we all went home. I had to, it's been too long. I took Brian into his room and asked him this question.
"Brian, will we always be friends no matter what?"
"Of course."
I nodded my head and gave him a hug. I went to turn away, but I could feel our chemistry.
"WAIT!" He yelled and myself, being the idiot that I was, ran to him and kissed him more passionately then anyone else in my life. It felt right, so right, then I pulled away. It took a moment, then I realized what I'd done.
"Oh my G-God I-I w-wasn't t-t-thinking I am s-so s-s-sorry," I said in a frenzy.
"Uhm, Cay, I said wait because you almost left without your clothes. I-I got to go," He ran out of the room. I grabbed my things and called my mom. I fucked up....bad...

Will Brian ever forgive Caleb? What'll happen to Crian on the first day of school? Find out in the next chapter!

 A Kiss From You, And I Knew We Belonged Together Where stories live. Discover now