Chapter 2-New Beginnings

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Caleb's P.O.V

Brian was actually talking to me. FUCKING BRIAN! I was so shook I could barely breathe. For some reason, he look relieved that I was having a conversation with him. I checked my was 7:36 am. He took me into the bathroom
"Okay, can we please be friends again, I miss you!" And believe it or not, I wasn't the one asking him.
"I'd thought you'd never ask!" I exclaimed, hugging him so tight I nearly broke his ribs.
"YAY!!" Brian ran out back into the cafeteria and I followed, never being more happier in my life. Days went by, our friendship growing even stronger.
Then the most amazing thing happened.

Brian's P.O.V

He is the cutest thing I swear! When I proposed being friends with him, he became so much happier, like a child when given a new puppy. It's been a month, and when It was time for part 2 and 3 I just knew. I took him to the tree, and I think he knew what was going on.

Caleb's P.O.V

"Uhm, Brian, why are we at the tree? Nobody's here," even though this was a very quiet place, even I could feel the excitement. Brian looked very nervous, yet sure of himself.
"There's no way to beat around the bush about this. I love you Caleb! You make my heart full you...make me feel so special you don't even know." What am I feeling? Euphoria? Happiness? Excitement? I knew this was risky but I couldn't help myself. I pushed him to the ground, and do what I've dreaming about doing for 2 years. I kiss him, and for once, he kisses back. We both knew no one is here at this time of day, and we both walk home so no parents'll be looking for a while. I pull away, and I have no regrets.
"That was....I don't know, but I kinda wanna do it again," I started blushing as he was speaking in a flirtatious voice.
"I've been wanting to do that so long, you don't even know," my voiced was laced with a hint of, 'just fuck me already', and I think he knew that.
"Caleb, will you do the honor, of secretly dating me? Only my parents can't know, tell whoever else you want!" God he doesn't know how happy he makes me!
"D..did you just ask me out? Because if so, YES! 1000 TIMES YES!" All I can feel right now is happiness. Anything bad that's ever happened, just went away for those few minutes. Then this time, it wasn't me who pushed the other to the ground, making out until we nearly pass out from exhaustion. I stop and check my phone. 3:45. I have about 10 minutes left with my new boyfriend and I am not wasting a single SECOND!

Brian's P.O.V

He said yes. OMFG HE SAID YES! I am so happy and at this moment, I couldn't help myself. I finally do what I've been dreaming for the past two years. I push him on the ground and kiss him like there's no tomorrow. Caleb being Caleb, starts giggling and kisses me back. I don't know why, but this felt NOTHING like kissing a girl...or a poster of Selena Gomez, it felt like I was MENT TO DO THIS! And NOTHING would be able to stop me. This type of kiss is the type to make your knees buckle under pressure, or swoon. It's the type to where if we weren't laying down on the soft grass, we would be in seconds. Caleb stopped and checked the time.
"It's 3:45, we have ten minutes, what do you wanna do?
"This," I say flirtatiously and jump on him, knocking him downward. I stare into his eyes before I kiss him. I could feel my body melt into his, And I could feel so much sexual tension it was breathtaking. I wanted to take his clothes off and fuck him right here, on the other side of the school where nobody was.
"HEY! Will you two lovebirds get a room!" I heard a bunch of laughing and then I realized, it was Jasmine Crase and Amethyst. Ffuuuccckkk

Caleb's P.O.V

Well....shit. We have been caught by none other than Amethyst and Jasmine Crase. I may have burst into a fit of giggles. Brian stared at me, kissed me on the cheek, and shortly joined me.
"I think a thank you is in order!" Amethyst said, staring at Brian with a look of amusement on that damn face of hers.
"Is it fair enough to say you are my best friend? And thank you! Without you Caleb would still be a lonely gay guy who would never know my true feelings for him." Brian stood up and hugged Amethyst so hard she nearly passed out!
"And by the way, I totally have an OTP NOW!!!" Jasmine screamed as Amethyst followed her.
"OTP,OTP,OTP,OTP,OTP!!!!!" They both started chanting, then eventually Brian and I joined in, with no regrets.

Brian's P.O.V

I had to leave and go home, and there was my mother, sitting on the couch.
"What took you so long? I was worried sick!" I instantly felt bad and apologized instantaneously.
"I'm sorry I was spending time with my new Bo-, I mean....girlfriend."
"Awww my baby's growing up! I'm so happy for you! Now tell me, what's her name?"
"Her name is Amethyst and she makes me really happy!" I had to try so hard NOT to vomit at the thought.
"We should invite her over for dinner on Friday! Here, give me her number!" I pulled out my phone and hesitantly gave my mom Amethyst's number. I went up to my room, with all of today's memories replaying in my head. I felt my lips, the slightly wet spot where his tounge touched still there.

Shoutout to Xxcaleb78xX for being the only person reading my story! Luv ya 😂😂 XOXO

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