Chapter 5-O Holy Fuck

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Caleb's P.O.V

"CALEB WYATT WILLIAMS!" I awaken to my mother's scream and I survey the scene. Fffuuuuccckkk. Brian awoke to the scream as well. His instant reaction was to hold onto me.
"Uhhh, mom it's not what it lo-"
"Caleb....yes it is. My gay son and his boyfriend who I like anyway are sleeping together. Did that sum it up?" I instantly breathe out a breath of relief.
"Uhhh....Ms.Williams....does my mother know? She k-kinda can't," Brian looked terrified. He was genuinely hoping they wouldn't know.
"Brian....I'm not like that. Just be lucky I like you!" She started laughing and we joined her soon after. Then she gave us great news.
"Caleb I'm hooking up with Juan tonight! And Cooper is stuck with grandma all night tonight. Have fun!" Why Juan? He is soooo ugly. He doesn't have style either. But he's pretty nice. She winked then left the room. I checked the time. 12:24. Damn we slept in. But then again....we had a long night. *wink wink*. I took off the blanket and went the kitchen to get something to drink. I saw my mom sitting on the couch reading a book.
"You really love him don't you?" She looked at me...I think she already knew the answer
"Honestly mom, he's all I've ever wanted. He's somebody that loves me for who I am, and who ISN'T my family." Her face just melted as she heard those words.....honestly, I think she's been secretly shipping Crian for a while now.
"That's great honey!" She went back to her book and left me be. Damn she's awkward. I just grabbed a water and went back to my room. I saw Brian...doing something on his phone. Then he looked at me and put it down.
"Hey. Sooo what are we doing today?" The way he asked that was so cute.
"Haha...well I have a surprise. My birthday present from my grandparents came in....It was 50 dollars.....and I was thinking," I paused as he started grinning. That boy probably already knew. "We go watch a movie....then go get dinner? I can use the 20 dollars we didn't spend last night to get an uber!" His face lit up and I knew his day just became a whole lot more exciting.
"Are you asking me out? Because if so....FUCKING YES!!!!" I started laughing and kissed him ever so slightly. He pushed me on the bed and started making out with me. It has been less then 24 hours since we fucked...and he acts like he wants more....damn he acts like me. We continued making out...then my mom walked in unannounced.
"Hey I was ju- OOOHHHHH UUMMMM!!" I push Brian off of me.
" you k-kinda leave? T-this is kinda awkward....." She blushed like crazy. Damn I wish she hadn't seen that.
"Y-yeah I was j-just telling you I'm going to Kailey's house for a while and I won't be back till tomorrow.....just...whatever you safe. AND COVER RHINO'S CAGE HE'S ONLY A BABY!" Blood started rushing to my cheeks. This was embarrassing.
"MOM! STAHHPPP PLEASEE! AND RHINO COULDN'T CARE LESS!" She starts laughing and leaves the room. Well that was weird. Brian looks at me scandalously.

Brian's P.O.V

Caleb's mom caught us sleeping together AND making out.....could this day be even more awkward? When she left it was quiet.
But I just had to. I grabbed him and start sucking on his bottom lip. He follows and slowly brushes his tounge against mine. God he was hot....and he was mine. Ughhh I don't deserve him.....but why does it feel so right? We stop and we get under the covers. We don't fuck. I think we both understood that we were waiting till later. He just straddles me and we fall asleep...again. The warmth of his body, the smoothness of his skin. We could be on the floor with nothing covering us....and I could still sleep like a baby if he were there. I felt safe, protected, hell, even loved. I woke up....and just looked at him, entranced by all his beauty. When he slept, it was the most adorable thing ever. Then he finally woke up, and he looked at me, smiling. He kissed me and got up. I get up and check my phone. 2:37 P.M.
"Hey Cay....what movie are we going to watch?"
" about Frozen 2? I hear Elsa is dating TINKERBELL! and it premieres tonight!" Honestly....if Caleb's going...then why wouldn't I? And I want to watch Frozen!!!
"I think....It's PERFECT!" Caleb's face brightened up, and I think he was secretly hoping I would say yes.
"Yay!!!! So since I picked the movie....where are we eating? We have 50 dollars so I mean." I had one place in mind...Italian food!!!
"OMFG LETS GO TO NAPOLIS!!!" I looked at him really hopefully. I wanted Italian...noodles.
" are genius!" I started smiling at the comment Caleb made and I kissed him gingerly. We made out a little bit, watched TV, and got ready to leave. I had nothing fancy....haha I'm lying. I brought my only collared shirt. And a nice pair of jeans. I left with Caleb at the Uber...and the night was amazing.

Caleb's P.O.V

The Uber picked us up and took us to the mall. Boy was I excited. We made it just in time for the 5'OClock showing. I gave the lady our tickets, and went to watch the movie with Brian. And the rumors were right. ELSA WAS FUCKING LESBIAN AND TINKER BELL WAS HER GIRLFRIEND! That's why it was PG-13. Homophobes AM I right? Then we went to the restaurant and ate awesome food! And after that we went back to my house. We were in my room....cuddling while watching Silence of the Lambs, when all of a sudden I just had to. I kissed him and he kissed me back, our lips colliding. The feeling Brian gave me everytime I kissed felt like magic. I just knew he was the one. We full on just went at it and then he ripped my shirt off, I did the same....At this moment, he was the only thing alive......

Don't worry! Their intense and steamy session of making out and possibly more😉, will be continued in the beginning of chapter 6! Love you guys!!! XOXO

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