Chapter 7-The Red Bandit

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Brian's P.O.V

We fell asleep watching morning cartoons....who the fuck does that? We do I guess. I woke up to Caleb staring at me, with his greenish-Brown eyes fixated on mine, as if hoping I could stay this adorable forever. Aweee he didn't even move to get his glasses ugh he was so cute. I giggle without even realizing it and kiss him, then snuggled against his chest, pulling him tighter. I think we both knew we wanted to stay like this forever, but sadly life would get in the way. I pull away from him and look at him, and he looked at me too. Gahhhh I just can't. I grab him and pull him in for a kiss, my lips colliding with his in such a passionate way I believe if we didn't have to leave, we never would. Sadly it was Sunday, and I would be going home tonight. But that doesn't mean we can't have a little fun first. I get up and pet Rhino, that bish is cccuuuttteeee. Then Caleb got up and took him out of his small ass cage, and layed him In between us so he couldn't run away. And all of a sudden, he jumped on my lap, all excited and playful. He snuggled against my shirt. I realized just how much this hamster acts like Caleb.
"Rhinoooooo, love me!!" Caleb was so adorable jealous...especially over his HAMSTER!! I hand Rhino over to Caleb, laughing uncontrollably. Caleb gives me a playful glare and dances with Rhino....How did I get this lucky?
"Soooo, hows it like being a daddy?" I said while Caleb was returing Rhino back to his cage. He looks at me mischeviously.
"You tell me," he advances towards me slowly as I was backing away, leading me to be cornered. DAMN IT! That cheeky bastard.
"So Brian? Am I a good daddy?" He licked his lips, staring into my eyes. I bit my lip while nodding my head. God he was hot...almost too hot.
"I better be!" He growls in his husky voice as he grabs me and throws me on the bed, looking like he was about to eat me whole (😉). He gets on top of me and kisses my lips, giving them life. They rejuvenate and I kiss him back, wanting so much more. Then I hear the front door open.

Caleb's P.O.V

I hear the front door to the house open and I instantly push Brian off. Mom wouldn't be back till 4, and it was 2:30. I walked outside to see Brian's mom, sitting on the couch.
"Hello Mrs. Higbee. How did you get in my house?" This was confusing.
"Oh hello Caleb! Your mom gave me the key and told me to give it back to you. Here you go!" She throws the keys at me, and stands up.
"Where's Brian?"
"In my room. I'll help him gather his things and he'll be out shortly!"
"Then I'll wait for y'all in the car! Thanks Caleb!" She then proceeded to walk out of the house and I run to my room, sad.
"That was your mom, s-She's w-w-waiting for you," I was so sad. These last 2 days were heaven, and now he won't be here. I started weeping as reality struck me.
"Don't cry Caleb!! I'll be back next weekend! I'm great at lying to my parents! It's okay." He pulls me into a bear hug, and pulls away with his blue eyes gazing back at me, afraid to leave. God I loved him. He pulls me in to a final kiss before he leaves, my eyes unable to leave his body. I layed down on my bed, and eventually fell asleep. The rest of my Winter Break was okay. Brian had to go to Arkansas the only other weekend so I was without him. But I still had fun that weekend (if you know what I mean😉).And we finally got back January 5th. The day we had to meet The Red Bandit under the flagpole. I was terrified and Brian already knew, I texted him yesterday.

BRIAN- Who do you think the bandit is? Do you think they'll hurt us?

CALEB-I don't know, but I do know that I won't let them hurt you! Don't have to do that!

CALEB-I'd rather take an extra beating than let you get hurt. I love you......

BRIAN- I love you too. No matter what happens tomorrow, we will fight!

CALEB-Okay, goodnight.....😙


I turned my phone off and fell asleep, my heart full of excitement and fright. On one hand, I got to see all of my friends and Brian....On the other, I have to meet The 'Red Bandit' today after school and I was not prepared. I really hope they don't want I try to hurt us. I arrived at school around 7:30 and met Brian. We found a different spot that was so secluded and secretive that there was no way Amethyst and her posse could find us. Boy was I wrong

Brian's P.O.V

Caleb and I went to the spot, and it was so quiet and serene that I jumped at the opportunity. I greeted his lips with mine softly, and then Caleb decides to be cocky and bites my lower lip, allowing access. That cheeky bastard. He fights with my tongue for power and I won, my arms pushed him on the ground and we were afraid to let go. I heard snickering, but I didn't care. I felt someone push me off of Caleb.
"What the fuck!! Caleb and I were hav-" I stopped talking as Amethyst flashed her phone at me, her face puffed up, trying to hold in her fangirl while Angel didn't hide it. She was laughing and screaming, she was almost as bad as Amethyst, but that isn't possible. Shitt it was 7:58! Caleb and I sprung up and ran to school. School sucked....I only had one class with Caleb and that was band. I met him outside at the
flagpole and checked my phone 3:37. It's been 7 minutes. Where are they?

Caleb's P.O.V

The fear inside of us was growing, as the time was quickly surpassing. Then someone came up behind us with a cell phone. It was Baxter. I didn't really know him. All I knew was that he played trumpet in band and sucked ass. He was last chair every time. I'd be shocked if he ever got a note out in his lifetime. He was also the world's biggest homophobe. He showed us a photo on his phone, and Brian and I nearly collapsed. It was when Brian was spending the weekend at my house and we were watching Frozen 2. It was the moment when we were making out during the slowest part of the movie.
"Caleb, Brian, I have a proposition. See, I like this one guy....yes you heard me. I'm come to terms with myself and I feel awful for messing with people that were gay, straight, or anything in between. His name is Jace, and I don't know how to explain it. He makes me extremely happy every time I see him. He doesn't know anything about last year when I was the biggest dick. I just want him to know. Please tell him. The photo was just so you'd stay. Here, I'll delete it," He pushes his finger lightly on the delete button, removing any trace of that photo. He walked away with sadness in his eyes. I felt bad for him. Of course I would tell Jace....and I knew Brian would too.
I gave Brian a quick and soft kiss goodbye and ran off, with Brian doing the same. I needed to be home in 5 minutes, and that would be difficult.

How will Jace react to the news? Will Baxter go any farther? And how is Rhino doing? Find out in the next chapter! XOXO

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