Vexing Encounters (1)

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Warning: social anxiety themes ahead.

Torrence's P.O.V:

It'll haunt me.

It'll haunt me for life. It's the story I'll be made fun of for. It's the story that I'll be known for. And it's the story that I'll someday tell my kids thinking I'm a cool person when in reality they'd be embarrassed. You could say I am being dramatic but haven't you seen Jawbreaker? I am an ex-Julie aka ex-popular girl but I don't want to be shredded for letting loose. I'm embarrassed of what I did in the courtyard. At the moment it was great. Great for a first impression. I can just imagine people replaying it. Pretending to be good at soccer/football is literally the most revolting thing ever. I admit I am like other girls, I pretend to care about stuff so I could get noticed or wear a short dress to go on a date. My parents think I am totally fine and myself but little do they know that I am having an identity crisis but being the brady bunch doesn't help know everything about each family member.

Ugh, great memory to be known for by a boy I am crushing on and my friends. My friends cheered me on and on. But once I go back to school on Monday, everything will come crashing down. Or maybe it won't. Maybe, just maybe no one knows who I am. Hopefully, the gell-head "self-made" underwear model didn't. I shouldn't care what people will think about me being fake-good in football, but I care about what Kat thinks. I don't know why, but I feel the need to impress her. Not because I like her, but because I want her to like me just the way I do to her. I like her as friends and that's what I hoped we'd be sooner or later. I forget what I wanted to think of, but I know I'm just avoiding the topic.

Patrick, Patrick Verona. He's been going through my mind since our last conversation. Yes, I am totally crushing on him. Since, I just moved here I don't know how he knows where I live. Maybe my idiot friends Cameron and Michael are right. Maybe, Patrick is a dude that sold his liver but I don't know if I should care that his probably dangerous friends probably made him bet to have a date with me. Funny that I said he didn't seem scary to me, he just seemed unpredictable. Makes sense since I don't even know him.

 It's not that uncommon, some guys feel liberated when winning a girl as a bet because a girl is like an accessory that they can brag about. It is incredibly sexist but all I can do is go on this date, make him hate me and then decline any other offers he has. Sometimes it's telling everyone that he went out with you to then force you to go out with him or else you look like a slut for going out with anyone else but sometimes its another date, maybe for him another 50 bucks. I have had guys bet over me before. It is disgusting but what I have learned is the more you ignore them the more they stick to teasing you and making you feel horrible about yourself. Insecure enough to go out with them, it's like they know how repulsive they are but will never admit it. Whatever assumptions I may have of him isn't stopping me from going out with him and looking good when doing it. 

My whole family was at some conference or award show, I can't quite remember. I used the excuse of having to do homework or projects to not go to these boring events. It's not fair that all my siblings are off at college and that I have to be stuck with my mom and brother Eric discussing what is bringing down the economy. I don't care about law, medicine or economy. This is why dinner table of three intellectuals gets really boring. I am especially glad my dad isn't home because he gets really angry at me for literally everything. Torrence, why did you get a B in psychology? If you keep focusing on this weird painting hobby and books about chaos and anarchy you are gonna end up a mess. I am actually being pretty normal. But in a family of nerds and popularity, you will never be able to achieve your dream. My sister Liz wanted to be a fashion designer but disregarded even the idea of it after she heard mom and dad shitting on her dream job. "Designing clothes might be important to some people but it's not practical, it doesn't save any lives. It's a useless career."

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