Part 7: Do we have to pick a side?

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Lang was being held up by Hugs tracking through the cloud of dust and ash which eventually they emerged to clear air.

"Lets try and get into this bar," Lang suggested.

Hugs put him down on the sidewalk to try and look for a way in "Cover me while I look for something to smash this window in with."

Lang held up his rifle to fight the incoming infected "I'm a better shot when I'm sitting down anyway."

As he began to pick off heads Hugs found a rock to throw at the window. Glass shattered inside the bar creating a bigger noise than they were already making. Infectors began to seep from the ruins and alleyways. Hugs picked up Lang and helped him inside.

"Lets get dug in and take care of these fools," Hugs commanded.

A click of a hammer and two other guns caught their attention. Jorge, Lilith, and Greg stood their aiming their guns at them.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

"No time to explain," Lang pointed their attention to the infectors trying to break in and starting to come through the broken window "Help us and we would gladly explain."

Like a firing squad they all mowed down the countless infected emerging in their sights. Greg demanded "Jorge and Lilith, barricade the window."

Both of them rushed to the tables and chairs of the bar and set them up along the window. Using knives they sliced the head open of any infector on the barricade; eventually they diminished and stopped trying because it got quiet.

"Now, who are you and why are you here?"

Lang spoke up first "Me and this guy were scavenging supplies with an entire squad of people. We had a tank and everything. We were stopped suddenly by this woman in a red dress. She looked like she was in distress so I went up to her and tried to comfort her. When I felt wires all along her back I knew it was a trap. She pushed me behind a concrete barrier and charged to the tank, blowing it to nonexistence. Lieutenant Hugs here was several dozen feet behind taking a piss."

"Did she say anything?" Lilith asked.

"The only thing I heard in my shock was something about 'The Legion'," Lang exhaled sharply "Everything is a blank until Hugs came to pick me up with my wounded foot. I hardly feel the pain if I stay say down. I'm Private Lang by the way."

"Was this woman kinda tall with dark hair?" Greg asked.

"Yeah," Lang responded "Did you know her?"

"Come with me first and I'll explain."

Hugs helped Lang along with Jorge on the other side.

"I'm Jorge by the way, with a J."

"Nice to meet you Jorge and..." Hugs looking in Lilith's direction.

"I'm Lilith."

"Pleasure," Lang said to her while extending him arm to shake her hand.

Not addressing himself, Greg went straight to the makeshift hallway between the main building and bar "Lets go."

They all followed Greg back into the main building.

Greg turned around before they could get any further "I'm Greg by the way. I lead these people as you already know our name."

They had a confused look while Greg said "The Legion."

Lang looked angry "Your person blew up our tank!"

"Let me explain," Greg tried to calm him down. Without hesitation Hugs punched Greg in the face when Greg punched back harder knocking him on the floor. Lang was sat down on a chair by Jorge.

"Mike!" Greg called him over.

Limping over he said "Yes?"

"Take care of Private Lang here while I have a word with Hugs. Mike here is our only doctor the next two closest are a veterinarian and a Boy Scout."

Greg pulled Hugs up by the shirt and made him walk forward to a more private area.

"You didn't even let me explain and you just straight up punched me in the face. What. The. Shit?"

"Who was that girl that murdered my entire squad?"

"We kicked her out because she was deemed a danger to us. She was very destructive and loved fire. We made the decision after she tried to set fire to her own tent. Luckily I stopped it and banished her. She was deeply in love with us, me specifically, despite her dangerous tendencies."

"And she just so happened to stumble upon our tank with explosives taped to her back?"

"Considering how close it was I presumed she wanted to protect us and you seemed like a big threat with your tank. She might have gone into depression out there and decided she would make one last effort to show her dedication."

"An effort wasted," Hugs responded.


"She didn't get all of us," he chuckled.

"Well it's over now and you two must cope with a loss just as we all have."

"Yeah...5 losses."

"I'm sorry," Greg placed his hand on Hugs's shoulder "I truly am."

Hugs remained silent, nodded his head and walked back over to explain it to Lang. Lilith felt this was an opportune time to record so she pulled out her camera and began.

"A crazy series of event just happened. We made it to The Legion's camp and shortly after we arrived and the Order Society guards were taken away we heard giant explosion which was right down the block. Turns out this suicidal girl blew up these army men that had a tank, only two survived and one is wounded. This is so much to take in-"

She was interrupted by Greg whom stood up in front of his people to make a statement, Lilith pointed the camera at him while crowded around 30ish people "My wonderful people, we are in no danger for the time being. However, we must keep our guards up at all times in order to prepare for anything. My absence has shown we are strong and won't fall apart that easily. The fact we aren't the only ones out here is a terrifying thought only because we don't know if they are dangerous.  The goons at the Order Society may have numbers, but we have more heart and determination than those simpletons. When we fight them, we will do it to not be under oppression and take in the remaining survivors to build and create a bigger conception of freedom." The people cheered. "When we fight...we will give them everything we got. For true freedom! For VICTORY!" The people continued to cheer while Lilith and Jorge looked at each other concerned.

"Do we have to pick a side?" Lilith sounded terrified.

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