Chapter 2

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The class fell silent as the teacher waited for the two giggling girls in the back to stop talking. They continued, not noticing that all students were looking at them.

"Rin!" Fujigaya Sensei yelled, startling the girls. He then resumed the lesson.

"No fair, why did he only yell at me?" Rin whispered to Konoe.

"I bet he doesn't remember my name, the school year just barely started." Konoe said with a somewhat sad expression.

Later that day, Rin realized how horrible she was at art and so, she decided to change classes, it messed up her whole schedule, leaving Konoe alone in Literature class.

Fujigaya no longer had to yell at Konoe, she became the most quiet student in his class and began to actually pay attention.

Sensei gave the students time to talk as he finished correcting a few essays. He was surprised that Konoe had the highest grade in the class, her writing style was way more skillful than that of her colleagues and of some of the seniors' he had read as well.

Fujigaya started giving back the papers while students were yelling across the room to each other or planning events for afterschool, but he noticed Konoe was the only student sitting alone, without anyone to talk to. Sensei also noticed that Konoe smiled everywhere she went and is always so bubbly, except in his classroom.

As her teacher, Fujigaya decided to try and cheer her up with the grade she had scored in her essay.

Konoe laid on her desk, resting her head on her arms, feeling bored and lonely, looking just like a lost puppy. Sensei felt sorry for her and walked over to her desk.

The tall man leaned over, bringing his face close to Konoe's and smiled gently at her, "Good job on your paper."

Konoe's heart skipped a beat as she saw the handsome man's face so close to hers.

She blushed madly, stuttering "Th-thanks." it had never been this hard for Konoe to say one simple word.

She wasn't surprised at the grade she got, ever since teachers started assigning Konoe essays in middle school, she always had over 90 percent. She actually thought it wasn't good enough and encouraged herself to try harder. She told herself she had to be better, to impress Sensei.

Fujigaya assigned the students to write a diary of one of the characters in the book they had just finished reading to turn in before the end of class.

For the rest of the day, Konoe couldn't forget the smile Sensei had shown her. She walked around smiling cheerfully, remembering the image in her mind.

After school, Konoe, Rin, Aki, and Chiyo hanged out in the GYM, watching the boys' basketball practice. Chiyo would change crush almost every week, and this time she liked an upperclassman who was in the basketball club, so she convinced her friends to watch the practice together afterschool.

Rin, who had no interest in boys, left early. As Aki and Chiyo discussed the hottest guys, Konoe was distracted, watching Fujigaya Sensei, the assistant coach of the boys' basketball team.

If only, she thought, if he were the coach of the girls' team , I'd definitely join. Konoe sighed deeply, thinking about Sensei. Chiyo and Aki were surprised, as they had never seen Konoe in love.

"Did Konoe just sigh?" They said, looking at each other.

"Hey hey, tell us, which of the boys were you thinking about?" Chiyo jumped, hugging Konoe, "Come on, tell us, tell us!" she shouted enthusiastically.

Konoe shook Chiyo off her, "No one." she pouted.

Aki poked Konoe's puffy and pink cheeks "You're obviously lying. You're blushing."

Konoe felt annoyed as the two girls pulled her cheeks. She shook them off and crossed her arms, pouting.

"You look just like a little kid." Aki pointed out.

"I can't believe Konoe is actually in love with someone." Chiyo said "You're not going home without telling me who it is."

"Jeez, you guys are annoying." Konoe said, flustered.

The girls calmed down after teasing Konoe a bit more, and Konoe went back to look at Fujigaya who was now very close to her.

He suddenly looked at her and she blushed, worried that he had caught her looking at him.

Sensei waved at Konoe, she looked around, not sure if he truly was looking at her. Then, he came over to talk to her.

"Hey Konoe, I read your diary assignment." she was worried he was going to say something bad about it. "It was really funny, I enjoyed reading it." She was surprised because she did the assignment in a hurry and wasn't even sure if it was correct. "Really nice job!" He said in a hurry as some of the boys called him.

Konoe blushed once again at her teacher's compliments and wondered why he has been so nice to her all day.

Aki and Chiyo noticed Konoe blushing because of Sensei and looked at each other.

Ever since that day, Konoe was never able to approach her teacher casually as always, and she also began hoping he would compliment her more.

Forbidden Love Between A Student and Her TeacherWhere stories live. Discover now