Chapter 6: Falling Asleep in Sensei's Classroom

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Konoe spent the whole night thinking about Fujigaya and worrying about the essay, so she couldn't sleep.

Her first class in the morning was Literature. Fujigaya gave out the grades for the latest essay they wrote, Konoe was surprised at the 98% she got. Her cheerful self came back gradually as she read the comments Sensei wrote about her essay:

Excellent job! Very well written and researched. I can see that you put a lot of time and effort into this paper. Overall, you did a very fine job on this paper. Keep up the good work! :)

Fujigaya noticed her smiling in the back of the room and smiled as well, he felt glad she was happy.

'Eh? why is Sensei smiling all of a sudden, so creepy. What a weirdo.' the class whispered.

With all the excitement and joy Konoe was feeling, she suddenly felt sleepy and reminded herself that she hadn't slept that night. She was trying really hard not to fall asleep, but wasn't able to stop herself.

Konoe dozed off into a deep sleep as the teacher she loved so much talked. Soon, the bell rang, all students ran out from the classroom, heading into their next class.

No one woke her up, not even Fujigaya Sensei. He just let her sleep until halfway through second period. Then, he decided to try to wake her up by calling her name, but it didn't work. Fujigaya kneeled beside the sleeping Konoe and looked at her face closely. He unconsciously started brushing her hair and stroking her cheek with the back of his fingers, thinking of how cute Konoe looks in her sleep. But then he noticed it and thinks to himself, What am I doing? touching a student like this...

He then shook her gently, calling out her name. Konoe finally woke up and saw she was in a classroom, then she looked around and noticed Fujigaya Sensei, beside her, looking at her.

"Eh?!" she yelled.

She then started blushing furiously, "S- sorry, Sensei." She stuttered.

Fujigaya placed a hand on her head and patted her, "It's okay, I don't mind."

She was surprised and got up quickly to bow at him, apologizing.

"What am I doing here?"

He explained to her that she fell asleep and that he warned the other teacher she wouldn't be going to her next class.

"But, why didn't you wake me up when class ended?"

"You looked so peaceful, sleeping, I couldn't just wake you up."

She lowered her head trying to hide her red face and sat back down, Fujigaya sat down on the chair beside her.

"Konoe, may I ask you something?"

She looked at him curiously, waiting for him to continue.

"Have you been avoiding me?"

Konoe blushed again and tried to deny it by shaking her head. She then looked up at him, suspecting that he didn't believe her. Sensei knew it wasn't true and sadness filled his eyes, Konoe noticed it and then nodded lightly, "I'm sorry, Sensei."

"As I thought..." he muttered "But why?"

She continued blushing and started stuttering nervously "I-" Fujigaya listened to her closely, trying to figure out why. "I can't say." She decided to say, knowing that she couldn't just confess to a teacher.

He looked surprised and a bit sad, "Why?" he asked anxiously, wanting to know why his favorite student won't talk to him.

"Because... If I tell you, you will think I'm weird." she said embarrassed, in a low tone.

"No, I promise I won't." he said, grabbing her hand strongly.

She looked at their hands and felt embarrassed, "You can't promise me that."

"I promise I won't think you're weird."

Konoe shook her head strongly while blushing.

Fujigaya sighed and released his tight grip on her hand, "If you can't tell me now, it's okay. But, can we talk just a little longer?" He said, wishing he would be able to talk to her properly "I'd forgotten how nice your voice was." He was surprised at the words that slipped from his mouth. Konoe was also surprised and her eyes widened as she looked at her teacher.

"Ah! Um" he said, blushing lightly "Just forget I said that." he was worried this would make her avoid him even more, but Konoe was so surprised to see this cute, embarrassed side of her teacher and smiled. Fujigaya was stunned, seeing Konoe's stunning smile, he felt the urge to touch her face, but stopped himself and smiled as well.

Fujigaya was happy to have been able to talk to Konoe, even though he didn't find out why she'd been avoiding him and she was surprised she was able to talk properly to him. They talked together until the bell for lunchtime rang.

"Bye bye Sensei!" she said, smiling at him.

Konoe started leaving the classroom, but then Sensei called her "Wait, Konoe!" Fujigaya walked towards Konoe and smiled. "Thanks for making an effort to talk to me today." Konoe's heart then skipped a beat when he kissed her forehead.

Konoe became flustered, ran out the classroom and leaned against a wall, breathing hard. She placed a hand on her chest and felt her heart beating really fast, What was that? she thought as she touched her forehead.

When Konoe ran out of his classroom, Fujigaya's cheeks became pink, realizing what he had just done.

After a while, when she calmed down, Konoe met with her friends in the cafeteria.

"Konoe?" "Hey, Konoe! Are you listening?" Chiyo started waving her hand in front of Konoe's face and she came to. Konoe looked around to see her friends looking at her. She looked confused.

"Did something happen Konoe?" Aki asked.

"Yeah, you're spacing out a lot today." Chiyo said.

"I bet it's got something to do with that guy you like." Rin smirked, "Am I right, Konoe?" she said while elbowing her friend.

"No!" Konoe said, flustered, "E-excuse me." she stuttered and left, blushing.

"It's definitely love." the three girls agreed as they looked at Konoe walking away.

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