Chapter 5

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"For next class, I want you to do a five-thousand word essay about the evolution of one of the characters throughout the story." Fujigaya announced to his Literature class.

"Eehhhhh!!!!!!" the class erupted. 'five-thousand word essay?', 'You've got to be kidding us!', 'We just wrote one the previous class.', 'This guy is crazy!'

Konoe heard her classmates whispering to each other about Fujigaya, she wished they would just stop badmouthing him. An essay isn't that much trouble, it's easy to write.

She felt confident as she turned in the essay the next day and couldn't wait for Sensei to read it and be proud of her. But, as days passed and Fujigaya finally passed out the essays, Konoe's confidence was crushed as she read the 67% written in big red letters on the top of her paper.

Why? I don't understand, I wrote exactly what Sensei asked me to. Why did I have such a low grade? She felt terrible, this was the first time she received any grade below a 95% in an essay.

Konoe sank deeper and deeper as she read the comments Sensei wrote on her paper:

This is almost all summary! You need to analyze. How/Why did this character develop? How does this contribute to the theme/topic of the book?

She starts to think that maybe he doesn't like her and decided to fail her, but then convinced herself that Fujigaya Sensei wouldn't ever do something like that, He's too nice. She then became worried that Sensei would be disappointed and start disliking her because she's not actually as good as he thought.

Fujigaya looked over to Konoe, wondering what happened and why she didn't write as well this time. He believed she could be better, and so, to give her another chance to prove herself to him, he assigned the class another essay to write.

This time, Konoe wasn't as confident and she didn't believe in herself, she was demotivated and was afraid that she lost her talent in writing, she believed she was hopeless. She was afraid to write another bad essay and that Fujigaya would certainly dislike her. This time, it took her about half an hour to get started on her essay, writing a sentence and erasing it immediately afterwards. It wasn't like usual that she'd pick up her pencil and just start writing, letting her thoughts flow naturally. She finally finished writing and without any confidence at all, she turned in the paper to her teacher.

Konoe couldn't face her teacher until receiving that grade, she was too nervous, and avoided him even more than usual. In the other hand, Fujigaya was looking for Konoe, to be able to tell her what a great job she did in this essay. He finally found her in the cafeteria, but was pulled over by a student asking him about an assignment. Fujigaya wasn't concentrated on the student's words, focused on Konoe. She noticed him looking at her and fled from the cafeteria. The student finally left, and Fujigaya then noticed Konoe was gone. Is she avoiding me again?

Forbidden Love Between A Student and Her TeacherWhere stories live. Discover now