Abducting Silhouettes

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I crunch against the fallen leaves. It's the end of summer. I try to take my mind off of the fact that I'm hearing noises behind me. As if something, or someone, is surrounding me. Considering, it was dark, you'd think there wouldn't be anyone out at this time by now... I wished my mum would drive by and pick me up, but all there was, was pure silence apart from the crumbling of leaves behind me. The road was empty and damp. No-one to be seen. Apart from shadows. Brooke, snap out of it! I thought to myself. I had to get home. I was halfway there.

Then a black figure grabs my neck, and I feel a cold, sharp knife feeling against my throat. "I hope you had fun at the party... Brooke." he snarled, in a deep voice as if he had a sore throat. I tried to fight back, but he dug the blade in deeper and deeper. "Crying only makes you weaker." I kicked him in the soft-spot and he fell to the ground, kicking my chin upwards. My head slammed to the hard floor and everything slowly, ever so slowly ... Went black. All that was left that I could see...

Was a dark black Abducting Silhouette.

****SORRY IT'S A SHORT CHAPTER NEXT ONE WILL BE LONGER!! ♥***********************************

♥Muffie c:

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