Red and White Room - To Love.

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My eyes gashed open, to reveal white room with what I think is, blood stains everywhere. I couldn't tell if it were mine or some other people. I tried to get off of the metal chair, to find out I had been buckled to the chair. I screamed loudly, upset but full with anger. "WHY THE **** WOULD YOU TAKE ME?! WHY ME, OUT OF 100 MILLION OTHER PEOPLE!!!?" I roared. A hand layed firmly on my shoulder, he laughed. "That's because you were the silly little whore in small clothes... Walking alone." he smirked. I turned my neck to see if I can identify his face, only to find he was wearing a face-mask. "How sick of you!! Who sent you to find me!!? WHO!? I DEMAND THE ANSWER!!!!!" I lurched forward, gnashing my knees to the floor. He whipped my back and pulled me up by my purple hair. "Who dyed your hair, huh? We can't have that." The man took me to a smaller room, kept with woman's clothing, mainly lingerie and 'sex-toys'. He opened a large cupboard fall of hair dye. He found a beige blonde and began massaging the lotion into my head. "GET OFF OF ME!!!" I shouted. He paused and calmly walked in front of me. "Shh. Now.. I want to tell you the 'rules' for whilst you're here." I gave him a deep stare and let him continue. He began to yell at me; "DO NOT EVER INTERRUPT ME OR SPEAK TO ME UNLESS I ******* ASK YOU TO!!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND!!!? Speak, you slut." I nodded, attempting to keep away from eye contact. "Speak, you stupid girl. SPEAK!!!" He spat in my face and thumped him head against mine. "Y-y-yes, I- I understand, sir." I managed to whimper quietly. He pulled a disgusted face and I squinted my face and tensed my body knowing he would hit me. But no, he lifted my chin up straight and kissed me. "Just call me Jay." he told me calmly, as if he felt wrong for what he was doing. As if he had... Sympathy for me. I had a warm feeling in my heart, although he had already hit me once. He took me to another room. Although, this time it was more of a luxury apartment.  "Get changed into something comfortable, wealthy, and 'sexy'." he ordered. I did as I was told. I wore a tight but not too short gold and white dress. A small gold clutch and white heels to go with it. I done my hair up in a smart but messy bun. I thought it was quite impressive for a girl who had just been whipped on the back, but I made sure it was hidden. Then, I heard a knock on the door as I was putting on my red lipstick. "Don't you look fabulous.." Jay said when he walked through the door. He looked at me in a way of meaning 'you may speak'. "Thank you. As do you..." I spoke. He took my hand, gently this time and led me to a dining room. More of a restaurant. He smiled at me and told me to stand straight and firm. Why is he acting so nice all of a sudden?  The people, who filled the room, turned to me a gasp. I could here mutters of "I would take her home!" or "Slut.." To be honest, I didn't care. As long as this guy, Jay, was being nice to me, I was... well.. Okay. I mean, he beat me with a whip and kidnapped me away from memories, family and friends. Pretending to act happy, made me forget what made me upset and angry and I actually started to feel happy and loved. I admired all the wealthy and beautiful woman, who stand before me. I admire the strong, wealthy and masculine men that look me up and down. I feel famous. Like... Like I did back in Liquids. A whole crowd waiting for me. I stumbled on my heel and a young man, who I seemed to recognized help me up. Jay thanked him, politely. I noticed that when I looked away, Jay gave the young man a death stare. Jay took me to a sofa, full of other people like me. But not beaten. I sat there, daydreaming into space. Thinking. Thinking about the familiar young man. Then, I saw him. I saw him standing near the girls toilet. I looked at Jay, as in 'can I speak?' and he nodded. "Please, excuse me, but I need the bathroom." Jay looked at me and turned back to chatting. I got up and began to leave. But then Jay grabbed my hand. He pulled me onto his lap and whisper into my ear "I know it's stupid... But I kinda like you. I'm really sorry about what I did, but I'm being forced to or I will be killed. You see, I've been beated 20 times daily. I got beaten before I 'snatched' you. Look" he showed me the scars. "But, why you?" I asked. I had feelings for him. I thought, that if he pretended to hit me it would all be okay. "I don't know... Unless I have proof I have beaten you, they will beat me. But I can't beat you. That's why I stopped after I... after I... After I hit you." I knew it. I knew he felt sorry for what he'd done and I accepted that he told the truth. "Listen, I will stay with you as long as you need me to. But don't hurt me... We'll think of a 'plan' when we get home." I told him. He was okay with that. He smiled at me. He had the most perfect smile I've ever seen. Perfect figure, apart from the cuts and bruises, perfect eyes, hair... Everything. Perfect. And I only noticed 'til now. "I promise." And I kept that promise. He kissed my hand and I went towards the toilet. As soon as he looked away I pulled the young man into a cubicle. "I recognize you. Oh, and thanks for picking me up earlier." he looked at me confused, "no problem... I recognize you too. Although, I remember you having purple hair right?" I knew I knew him! I knew it! I smiled and hugged him like he was a long-lost cousin. "Yeah. I dyed it blonde. Purple was a bit too extreme." I looked him deeply in the eye. "What's your name?" I wondered. He looked me up and down, trying to recognize who I was. I could tell he was close. "Adam. Adam Lawsy Maee." That was when it struck me. He's was cousin! Well.. He is my cousin. I haven't seen him for years. "You're my cousin. It's me Brooke." I managed to grasp my breath. "Yes!" I put my finger to his lips. "Shh, now I'm going to leave this cubicle and you're going to act like NOTHING happened. Okay? I will try and get to you later." He smiled and hugged me once more. That was it. I left. Jay saw me coming out. "What took you so long?" I had to think for a moment. "There was some couple having er... sex in the cubicle. I had to wait." Jay laughed at me. "You could of just told them to get a room not a cubicle! Sillybilly. Come on, I'll get you some tea from the bar." He took my hand, still laughing. I quickly turned to see Adam exiting the girls toilets. I turned to giggles too. I ended up with my cheek on his chest. He kissed my forehead. I looked up to his bright blue, sparkling eyes. I smiled and kissed his gentle, warm, soft lips. It was like kissing two soft flower scented, pillows. I could smell the strong smell of Lacoste cologne from his chest. The kissing turned into 'snogging'. But then the bar lady interrupted. "Aye, that's enough you two. 'Ere's ya tea." she said in a strong Irish accent. Jay looked at me. "You can speak now. If you want." I smiled at him. "Thank you." Jay gave over the money for the tea and I took out the tea bag. As I was about to put the teabag away,  noticed a ring, with a real diamond on the edge of the teabag's string. Confused, but  content, I turned away from the bin and walked towards Jay. "Is this... from you?" He smiled a big grin and nodded. "Don't worry it's not a engagement ring. It's just a thank you for appreciating why I hit you, and how I'm sorry." I did understand and apprectiate why he hit me and how he is sorry. "But... I accepted your apology earlier. There was no need for a ring with real diamonds." His face blanked out, only leaving a face of passionate love. I sat beside him as he took the ring. "Which finger?" he asked me. I didn't know. I didn't want to rush into marriage. I also didn't want to offend him but putting it on my middle finger... "The index finger." I replied with a smile. And that's what he did. 

****************Kinda turned into a love story, eh? Well. I'm updating soon! ♥***********************

♥Muffie c:

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