Why Me Though... [chapter one]

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The dream seemed so real. My heart beat as fast as if I had been there again. I relived that memory again. Opening my eyes, I looked up at the white ceiling and the ugly yellow walls meeting the roof. I saw the sun filtering through the blinds as the blinding light danced on the walls. The stifled voices of a male and female in hushed voices, off to my left somewhere. I tried to sit up but something tugged at my arm. I looked down and saw a couple IV needles in my left arm. Laying back on the bed, I groaned as I realized I was stuck in the hospital.

That's when everything came flooding back, filling me with dread. Tears burned the backs of my eyes as I realized it wasn't a dream. I wanted someone, anyone to look at me and tell me everything was just a dream. I would have done anything for my parents and James to walk through that door, to tell me I was the only one involved that night. But it never happened.

"Tasha honey, how are you feeling?" I heard someone whose voice sounded a lot like my grandmother, Lila's voice, ask.

"Grammy?" I asked. I turned my head toward the direction her voice came from. I blinked back the tears that threatened to spill out of the corners of my eyes and down my cheeks. She sat on the bed next to me, her face was red and puffy, as a tear escaped from one of her eyes and trailed down her beautiful face. The gorgeous, porcelain face that almost never shows any emotion was finally breaking in front of me.

"Sweetheart, I'm right here." She said. She took my right hand in hers and held it tightly. "What do you remember?" She asked, the tears began to fall steadily from her beautiful, emerald eyes.

Tears started to fall freely from my eyes as she asked me that dreadful question. What did I remember? I shook in fear, my mother's earsplitting screams filling my head. I quickly covered my ears to make the screams go away, but they just kept getting louder. When they finally stopped, I turned my head away from Lila and removed my hand from her grasp. I rolled into my right side and began staring down at the floor, the tears continued to fall uncontrollably onto my pillow. I silently begged for the flashback to not return, but it did and I just wanted it to end.

"It's okay if you don't want to talk about it or even if you don't remember. Everything will be okay." Lila said. She rubbed my back gently.

The sound of sirens in the instance startled me awake. I opened my eyes and realized I was lying on my back. I stared up at the dark sky, the stars twinkled overhead. A wolf howling in the distance made me scramble to my feet and try climbing up the hill, a shot of pain screamed through my head.

"Is everyone okay?" A man's voice called out from somewhere above my head.

I looked up, a police officer was standing at the top of the hill looking down at me. "Help us." I screamed. I discontinued my failed attempt to climb the hill and ran back to my parent's car. I stared in the broken window at my father's lifeless, hunched over body. I noticed for the first time that his head had a huge gouge in it from the steering wheel. My mother's lifeless body looked like a rag doll. The way she had gotten thrown around in the car from the impact of slamming into that tree.

"Are you okay, ma'am?" A male's voice asked behind me. I turned around and came face to face with the police chief from our town.

"I...I don't know." I stammered, as everything around me went black. I began to fall backwards. I heard a scream, not realizing that it was my own. The smell of blood and gas filling my nostrils. I felt my head hit the hard ground before I passed out.

I woke back up and looked around the hospital room before I rolled into my back. My grandparents sat in the chairs next to my bed. I looked into my grandmother's, beautiful green eyes, I saw nothing but sadness and loss. The look sent a feeling of sorrow through me as I reaches out to hold her hand. I knew I needed to talk about what happened, but was I ready?

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