I've Waited Long Enough... [chapter three]

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Drake's light but annoying snores woke me up the next morning. I wiped the sleepiness out of my eyes as I opened them. The sound of the birds singing outside my window filled my ears as I remembered where I was. I felt warm and comfortable, cuddled up next to Drake and the familiar feel of my own blankets. I didn't want to get out of bed, but my stomach growling reminded me why I had woken up in the first place.

I rolled out of bed groggily and grabbed my closest zip up hoodie to take the chill out of my body. I shivered slightly as I made my way downstairs. The wonderful aroma of bacon and eggs greeted me at the bottom of the stairs. I walked into the kitchen, grabbing a clean glass out of the cupboard. I poured myself a glass of fresh squeezed orange juice.

"Morning Tasha, did you sleep well?" Lila asked behind me.

"I slept perfect, thanks for asking." I replied. The neighbor's horses were always fun to watch in the morning. I stood at the back door, watching them run happily through the fields to their food buckets.

"That's good to hear. I see you brought all of your belongings here last night. You know you can take your time with packing up the house. I checked with the owner and the rent is paid for the rest of the month." She sets my breakfast on the counter. I sat on the barstool and stared down at the yummy food in front of me.

Picking up my fork, I took a bite of eggs before telling her my plan. "I packed my belongings yesterday. Today we are going back to start sorting through everything. I have to decide what I want to keep, what's garbage, and what should stay with the house." I sighed, realizing just how long this was going to take. "I would really like your help gram. I would appreciate someone other than Drake to be there with me and you know how much legal stuff is in that house that needs to be shredded before it can be thrown away. I can't do this on my own. I really need you." I said, tears started streaming down my cheeks.

"I'll help you sweetheart. Don't cry." She wrapped her arms around me and held me tightly.

"Thank you so much. I don't know what I would do with you, grandpa and Drake." I hugged her back.

Drake sauntered into the kitchen. He stopped and stared at me. I know he saw the tears in my eyes, because he got a pained look on his face as he say on the stool beside me. I smiled reassuringly. Drake kissed me on the forehead and took a sip of the coffee Lila had just placed in front of him.

I gaped at the heaping plate of food my grandmother had placed in front of Drake. Damn, he sure did eat a lot. I looked away from his food and tried to concentrate in my own breakfast.

The kitchen filled with silence. The only sound I heard, were the birds singing their lovely morning melodies. I finished my breakfast and downed the rest of my orange juice before Richard finally made his way into the kitchen.

I had definitely missed Lila's cooking. I never met anyone who could cook as well as she did. Just thinking about her food, made my mouth water. She had always told me she was an angel sent from god, and I had always believed her.

I had finished my breakfast and had begun to unload the rest of the boxes from the moving truck. Drake had finally joined me when I was almost done. He piled the last two boxes on top of each other and carried them into the house and upstairs for me. I followed him into the house and began making my way upstairs.

"Let us know when you are ready to leave and we will follow you in our car." Richard said as he changed the channel to Rachael Ray.

"Alright, I will." I replied happily.

I sorted through all of the boxes with Drake's help. I folded my clothes and sorted them into the dresser and the closet. I was glad I finally had new clothes and could get rid of my ripped clothes.

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