Chapter 5: How To Be a Pretty Butterfly

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But of course I don't just stand there like the idiot that I am gaping. I snatch Rose's hands and speed-walk to the double doors that lead inside the hotel -not before stealing a cookie from the unsuspecting dude.

"Drae? What are you doing?" Rose demands, even though I haven't stopped dragging her by the hand towards the elevator. I call it down, and when it opens, I all but shove Rose through them.

"Open up your suit!" I urge, having a panic attack when the fat and old officer catches sight of me. I keep urging her and finally she slides the card through the thingy and pushes the button. The doors close just as the officer is about to reach the elevator.

"Phew." I heave a relieved sigh, while Rose keeps staring at me.

"What? Is there something on my face?" I question wearily, swatting at my face unnecessarily. The doors ding open and we walk in directly to the kitchen, where Rose makes me sit on a stool and sits in front of me, at the other side of the table.

"What in the world was that about, Draenor Noel Gallagher?" I cringe at her tone and the use of my name. Only my mother's ever called me Draenor in such an angry, disapproving voice. Daemon calls me Fucking Idiot, and Charlotte calls me Noel.

Yes, I hate all three names.

"Uh, Rose... Could you maybe not uh, scold me angrily and use my full name? It reminds me of my mother." I all but whisper brokenly. It reminds me of the year of the incident with my father.


Yay, I'm a pretty butterfly-


I watch with sad eyes as my plastic wings break and fall, leaving me bare with my tutu and old ballerina shoes I stole from Charlotte.

"Oh no, don't you dare stop, Fucking Idiot." Hisses my bigger sister Daemon, who sits on her bed watching my forced performance.

"But my wings fell." I inform her.

"Then use your hands and flutter them like you have actual skills in the dancing area!" Growls Daemon, and I scowl but do as told.

She may or may not have threatened my balls to her knife (the one she uses for cutting herself) if I didn't dance for her The Nutcracker.

Of course I rehearsed.

The door banging open makes us jump, and I see mom standing in the threshold.

"Draenor Noel Gallagher! Stop right now your stupid girly dancing and be a man. We need one right now, you know that. Not a hideous transvestite." Mom hisses at me with her always present hate, and I bite my lip to stop my crying. I know she's hurting because of my dad, but I'm hurting too.

"Yes, mom" I agree, lowering my gaze to my ballet-encased feet.

"And your notes better start coming up, fool!" Are my mom's last words as she slams the door.

I turn my watery eyes to Daemon, who's laughing her ass off at my expense.

Hurt and angry, I stomp out of her room and to mine, where I lock the bolt and sit motionless on my bed.

Sometimes I wonder what good am I here; my life sucks so much a knife to the balls isn't that big of a deal.

I fall asleep with tears streaming wildly down my cheeks, but not before vowing to myself this is the last time mom, Daemon or Charlotte make me cry.


And so, I hate it deeply if anyone calls me angrily by full name.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Whispers Rose in a soft voice, looking very concerned. I look across at her, and shake off bad vibes.

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